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The Grand Republican

Name   Notes
John Adams Statesman, diplomat, second president of U.S.
Samuel Adams Statesman, founder Sons of Liberty
Abigail Adams Patriot. Wife and confidante of John Adams
John Quincy Adams Diplomat, sixth president of U.S.
Ethan Allen Soldier, politician, writer, siezed Ft Ticonderoga
  Altakullakulla Cherokee chief, neutral
John Andre British spy, hanged
Charles Armand American officer in south
Benedict Arnold American general and traitor
John Ashe American officer in south
Crispus Attucks Boston Massacre victim
Hendrick Aupaumut Mahican leader on American side
John Baily American officer at Saratoga
Glbert Barkley British spy in Philadelphia
Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais French supply contact
Nicholas Biddle American naval officer
Richard Bland VA congressional delegate
Colonel Boyd NC tory
Joseph Brandt Mohawk war chief who supported British
Morgan Bryan NC tory officer
John Burgoyne British general, surrendered at Saratoga
Aaron Burr American officer at Quebec
David Bushnell Inventor of submarine, The Turtle
John Buttrick Am. officer order men to return fire at Concord
John Cadwalader American officer at Princeton
William Campbell Royal Governor of SC
Archibald Campbell British officer in south
Sir Guy Carleton Bristish commander of Canada
Earl of Carlisle British peace commissioner
Patrick Carr Boston Massacre victim
Charles Carroll Maryland planter, politician, businessman
Colonel de Castine French officer
Richard Caswell American officer in south
Colonel Caval French officer
Benjamin Church Political leader
George Rogers Clark American frontier fighter
George Rogers Clark American general in west
George Clinton Governor of NY, vice-president U.S.
Sir Henry Clinton British commander in chief, replaced Howe
Thomas Conway Of cabal fame
Thadeus Cook American officer at Saratoga
John Singleton Copley American painter
  Cornstalk Shawnee chief killed in captivity
Charles Cornwallis British general surrendered at Yorktown
Phillip van Cortlandt American officer at Saratoga
William Crawford American officer in west killed in battle
John Harris Cruger Tory commander at 96
John Cunningham American officer at Cowpens
Colonel d'Audenchamp French officer
William Dawes Second midnight rider
Silas Deane American statesman
Henry Dearborn American officer at Saratoga
Baron DeKalb American officer mortally wounded at Camden
Oliver DeLancey Tory general
Colonel de Deux Ponts French officer
Philemon Dickinson American officer
John Dickinson Politician, author of Letters from a Farmer
Carl von Dunop Hessian officer
William Eden British peace commissioner
Comte de Estaing French naval commander
Patrick Ferguson Loyalist officer killed at Kings Mt.
Roche de Fermoy American general
Benjamin Franklin Statesman, printer, scientist, author, diplomat
Simon Fraser British officer
Philip Freneau American revolutionary poet
Christopher Gadsden SC congressional delegate
Thomas Gage British general, evacuated Boston, Howe replaces
Major Gardiner British officer
Horatio Gates American general, victor at Saratoga
King George III King of England
Lord George Germain British colonial secretary of state
Joseph Lewis Gill Abenaki chief who switched to British
Mordecai Gist American officer in south
John Glover MA fisherman, helped at Brooklyn & Trenton
James Grant British officer at Bunker Hill
Comte de Grasse French naval commander at Yorktown
Nathaniel Greene Youngest American general
Charles Grey British officer
Timothy Griffin American drunk shot for encouraging mutiny
Nathan Hale "I regret I have but one life for my country"
Nathan Hale American officer at Saratoga
Alexander Hamilton Aide to Washington, Sec of Treasury, Federalist
Henry Hamilton British Indian agent
John Hancock President of Continental Congress, Gov. of MA
Edward Hand American general in west
William Harcourt British colonel who caputer General Lee
Benjamin Harrison VA congressional delegate
Philip van Heister Hessian officer at Brooklyn
Patrick Henry VA statesman, "Give me liberty or give me death"
Nicholas Herkimer American general, died defending Oriskany
Sir George Hood British naval commander
Stephen Hopkins RI Quaker, congressional delegate
Mingo Houma Chickasaw war chief
John Howard American officer at Cowpens
Sir William Howe Commander in chief of British army in N. America
Robert Howe American southern commander
Richard Howe Commander in chief of British navy in N. America
Issac Huger American officer at Charleston
  Hutchinson Salem officer assisted with Brooklyn evacuation
Thomas Hutchinson British governor of Massachusetts
Henry Jackson American officer at Saratoga
John Jay Jurist, diplomat and president of Cont. Congress
Thomas Jefferson Author of Dec. of Independence, 3rd U.S. president
George Johnstone British peace commissioner
John Paul Jones U.S. naval commander
Thomas Knowlton American officer at Harlem Heights
Henry Knox Bookseller, American general, secretary of war
Wilhelm von Knyphausen Hessian general
Thaddeus Kosciuszko Polish soldier and engineer
Marque de Lafayette American military commander
Jonathan Lattiner American officer at Saratoga
Henry Laurens Captive American diplomat
John Laurens American officer killed in battle
Ebennezer Learned American officer at Saratoga
Charles Lee British born controversial American general
Henry Lee American cavalry officer
General Leslie British general
Benjamin Lincoln American southern commander
Henry Livingston American officer at Saratoga
James Livingston American officer at Saratoga
Robert Livingston American statesman
King Louis XVI King of France
Thomas Lynch SC congressional delegate
Allan Macdonald NC loyalist
Allan Maclean British officer at Quebec
James Madison Statesman, fourth president of U.S.
Robert Magaw American officer at Ft. Washington
Francis Marion Militia commander known as the swamp fox
John Marshall Chief Justice, Supreme Court
Paya Mataba Chickasaw war chief
William Maxwell American officer
James McCall American officer at Cowpens
Jane McCrea Tory victim became patriot martyr
Donald McDonald NC loyalist
Charles McDowell American officer at Cowpens
Allen McLean American officer
Henry Middleton SC congressional delegate
Thomas Mifflin Washington aide
James Monroe Fifth president of U.S.
Richard Montgomery American general killed at Quebec
James Moore NC officer
Daniel Morgan Frontiersman, American general
Gouverneur Morris Lawyer and diplomat
Robert Morris Merchant and financier
Issac Motte American officer at Charleston
William Moultrie American officer at Charleston
John Murray Royal Governor of VA
Abraham Nimham Mahican leader on American side
John Nixon American officer at Saratoga
Lord North British statesman
General O'Hara Tendered Cownwallis sword at Yorktown
  Oconostota Cherokee chief, neutral
James Otis American statesman
Thomas Paine Author of Commonsense
John Parker Minuteman captain killed at Lexington
Peter Parker British Admiral at Charleston
John Patterson American officer at Saratoga
Charles Wilson Peale American painter
Edmund Pendleton VA congressional delegate
Good Peter Oneida chief
Arent S. De Peyster British commander at Detroit
William Phillips British officer
Andrew Pickens SC militia officer
Charles C Pickney American officer at Charleston
John Pitcairn British officer killed at Bunker Hill
William Pitt British statesman
Colonel de Pondeux French officer
Enoch Poor American general
James Potter American officer
Eugenio Pourre Spanish officer in west
William Prescott American officer at Bunker Hill
Augustin Prevost British general
Casimir Pulaski Polish general
Israel Putnam American general
Rufus Putnum American chief engineer
Johann Rall Hessian commander killed at Trenton
Peyton Randolph VA congressional delegate
Francis Rawdon British officer in south
Paul Revere Silversmith, midnight ride alerts against British
Baron Riedesel Hessian officer
Owen Roberts American officer at Charleston
Jean Baptiste Rochambeau French general at Yorktown
Sir George Rodney Prominent British admiral
Robert Rogers French & Indian War here, loyalist
Betsy Ross Seamstress, alleged to have created the U.S. flag
Colonel de Rostany French officer
Benajamin Rush Physician, writer
Griffith Rutherford American officer in south
John Rutledge South Carolina lawyer and governor
Edward Rutledge South Carolina lawyer and governor
Alexander Scammell American officer at Saratoga
Philip Schuyler General, slowed British advance south to Albany
John Shee American officer at Ft. Washington
Roger Sherman CT shoemaker, congressional delegate
Peggy Shippen Wife of Benedict Arnold
William Smallwood American officer
Francis Smith British officer at Lexington and Concord
Joseph Spencer American officer at White Plains
Arthur St. Clair American general
Colonel de St. Maime French officer
John Stark New Hampshire officer at Bennington
Baron von Steuben Prussian general, trained American troops
Edward Stevens American officer in south
Gilbert Stuart American painter
John Sullivan General, lawyer, governor of New Hampshire
Jethro Sumner American officer in south
Thomas Sumter American officer in souther campaign
  Swashan Abenaki chief who supported Americans
Benjamin Tallmadge American officer
Banastre Tareleton Infamous British calvary colonel
Captain Tate American officer at Cowpens
William Thompson American officer at Charleston
Tench Tilghman Rode to Philadelphia to report Yorktown win
Captain Triplett American officer at Cowpens
John Trumbull American painter
Comte de Vergennes French minister, supply conduit to America
Artemas Ward American general
Seth Warner American officer, Battle of Bennington
Mercy Warren American patriot
Joseph Warren American commander died at Bunker Hill
George Washington American commander, first president of U.S.
William Washington American colonel
Martha Washington Wife of George Washington
Anthony Wayne American soldier
James Webster British officer in south
Benjamin West American painter
Phillis Wheatley Slave, internationally known poet
Otho Williams American adjunct general
Andrew Williamson American officer in south
James Wilson American officer at Saratoga

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