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Chapter Six


“ You could have just left me!” Skylee spat out angrily, looking for her shoes.
“ Jesus Christ, I do you a favor and you attack me-”
“ Why do you feel the need to intervene in my life?”
“ Skylee, You were drunk as shit and you expected me to just leave? God knows what might have happened if some horny little bastard found you-”
“ Well, he certainly did, didn’t he?” She retorted, her cheeks flaming. AJ glared at her.
“ Excuse me, if I remember correctly, it was you who forced yourself upon me, Miss Richardson,”
“ And how do I know nothing happened?”
“ Well, for starters, you have your clothes on-”
“ Which proves nothing-”
“ Oh, yeah. Good point. If you can have sex with your clothes on, then I’m a bald monkey,”
“ Or not too far from that,”
“ You know what, forget it. I’ll stay out of ‘your life’ from now on,” He said angrily.
“ Thank you...” He watched her look under the couch and sighed.
“ Your shoes are by the door, Skylee,” He said warily. She looked at him and went to get her shoes.
“ I’ll see you later,” She said, pulling open the door.
“ Not if Kevin gets to you first,”
“ I can take care of myself, AJ,” She called back, letting the door slam. AJ rubbed his eyes tiredly, having only gotten two hours of sleep ( it’s 6:00 am) and looked around the room. His glance fell on a purse lying behind the couch.
“ Oh, God,” He groaned, not in the mood to chase Skylee again just to give her her purse . AJ turned and started to pick up the rest of his stuff and was running late when he walked downstairs ten minutes later...


“ How in the world did you think I wouldn’t find out that you left Jack in the mall?” Kevin yelled, a deep frown etched in his forehead.
“ I don’t care if you find out or not, I’m sick of you treating me like a child!” She replied, raising her voice.
“ Treating you like a child? Do you think what you did last night was responsible?”
“ Kevin, I’m nineteen-”
“ Then act like it!” He stared at her, his face flaming.
“ As of now, you are not allowed to leave the hotel unless you come with us to the concerts,”
“ What?!”
“ No discussion, Skylee! How did you get back last night?”
“ AJ gave me a ride,” Skylee answered, glancing at AJ who was sitting on one of the side couches, watching them.
“ You were drunk too, AJ,” Kevin turned to him.
“ I had a limo,” AJ replied shortly.
“ Hey, did anything happen between you two?” Kevin asked suddenly.
“ Yeah, Kevin, we screwed in the short span of time before she passed out and I fell asleep. You sister is not on my to-do list,” AJ said, his eyes on Skylee as she got up and walked to the bunk area.
“ AJ, it’s not that you’re a bad guy, it’s just that I’d rather not have my kid sister sleep with one of my bestfriends,” Kevin said quietly, noticing AJ’s worn look.
“ Yeah, I know, Kevin. I’m never the bad guy,” He replied sardonically.
“ What’s wrong?”
“ Nothing,”
“ Somethings wrong,”
“ Nothing that you can solve,”
“ Wanna bet?”
“ I’d rather not share...Thanks though,” AJ said, almost impatiently.
“ Hey,” Nick greeted, walking in the main area and sitting down.
“ Hey, Nick,” Kev nodded as AJ glared at Nick.
“ What did I do now, AJ?” Nick asked uninterestedly.
“ How about you elect Nicky here as Skylee’s bodyguard, Kev, cause I sure as Hell have had more than enough of keeping an eye on her,” He said, apparently pissed off.
“ God, are you drunk already? What are you talking about, AJ?”
“ I’m talking about you feeding shit to her about me so now she doesn’t give a flying fuck about what she says to me,”
“ She talked to you?” Nick asked, surprised.
“ You are full of it,” AJ said in a irate voice, getting up and walking away to the bunks.
“ OK, that was strange,” Nick said, looking at Kev.
“ Yeah, AJ’s in a bad mood,” Kevin replied...

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