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Chapter Twenty

Friday night...
Skylee’s hands trembled as she carefully wiped away her tears, determined to do this but scared as hell. She printed the last note out and folded it crisply, before writing down Kevin’s name on it. She looked around the room, making sure she had taken care of everything before wiping again at the tears that seemed to fall incessantly down from her eyes. She was overcome with sobs all day and had barricaded herself in her hotel room, saying she was taking care of last minute adjustments to their “movie” night she was supposedly throwing. She had called everyone, including AJ, and invited them all over with the excuse of watching a movie after apologizing and saying that she had seen the wrong in her doings and wanted a fresh start. Another set of sobs caught in her throat as her eyes fell on a picture of her and Kevin. Sky had written everyone she had actually screwed over a note, a goodbye letter, so to speak and had placed it all on her bed. Glancing at the clock, she saw it was already 11:39, the others were supposed to be here at exactly 12:00. She walked into the bathroom where she had left the tub filling up with hot water. She lit the rest of the candles and went back to the front door and left it ajar; she wanted them to find the notes and not just assume she was asleep. She paced back to the bathroom and slipped out of her robe. She fiddled with the bottle of Tylenol before opening it and shaking it out in her palm, ignoring the fact that nearly half of it spilled out and crashed to the tile floor, the sound magnified. Before she could change her mind, she shoved as many as she could in her mouth and sipped water over it, oblivious to the aftertaste, only concentrating on throwing the bottle into the sink and slipping into the tub. There was music playing, the music that had done so much to heal her at one time but could do nothing to save her now. Eyes closed, she let her mind drift, thinking of people forgotten for years. Her conciousness was gradually slipping when AJ pushed open her hotel room door at 11:58 and took in the room, trashed and disheveled except for the bed and the pieces of paper on it. It took a second to hear the music and he pushed open the bathroom door, staring at a lifeless Skylee, her body slipping under the water. “ Oh, shit,” He murmered to himself, repeating as his mind raced. He walked past the fallen pills, past the numerous candles and turned off the water, pulling the plug for the drainer. Numb as he pulled her above the water’s surface, he was unaware of the sudden prescence of Kevin and Nick. He watched helplessly as the next few minutes flashed by like seconds, full of commotion and chaos. All he could remember looking back was how cold her body felt, how the dark room was filled with people and above all, the eerily soft tune of Don’t Wanna Cry by Mariah Carey playing in the background, as if she had it planned this way, as if she knew he was going to be the one to find her and knew how the song would tune out the rest of the world, just to make it a little easier. And every thought of his was based soley on him wishing he had been there a little earlier.

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