HyperLOBBY - Click here to download the HyperLOBBY client program, the best alternative for the late Jane's Combat.Net. click to download
Fighters Anthology Toolkit - Click here to download the DuoSoft Toolkit for Fighters Anthology. click to download
ABA Maps - Click here to view all the ABA maps in Fighters Anthology. When the page loads up, simply save the desired images to your hard drive, and print as needed. (This page is from Stars's ABA site.) click to download
7th VTFS Lib Detector v2.05 - Click here to download the 7th VTFS Lib Detector (v2.05). Designed to detect cheat libs that modify weapons or ECM. Comes with documentation detailing how to use this file. click to download
The Devil's ABAs v2.3 - Click here to download El Diablo's customized Airbase Assaults. These customized ABAs are designed to be much more fun and challeging, enhancing both the skill of the players and fun of the game. Comes with documentation detailing how to use this file and the changes it makes; please note that this lib requires only that the host have the lib loaded. click to download
Icelib v3.2 for FA - Click here to download IceLib v3.2 for FA. This lib changes many things in Fighters Anthology to make the game more realistic, but more fun at the same time. Objects modified include aircraft, vehicles, and weapons. This lib cannot be used in multiplayer unless all participants in the game also have the lib installed. Comes with documentation detailing how to use this file. click to download
raw2bmp - Click here to download the raw2bmp screenshot converter. To use, copy the program file (raw2bmp.exe) into your FA directory and drag the desired screenshot's file icon onto this program's icon. The screenshot will automatically be converted into the universal BMP image file format. click to download
Fighters Anthology v1.02F (E) Patch - Click here to download a copy of the patch for Fighters Anthology (English version). click to download