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DtotheG's Home Page


Hey! This is DtotheG and my website! I like to write, so expect plenty of Fanfiction. I'm also into Flash animation and video games, so expect a lot of that to!

ALEXA RANKING: 1,158,145

UPDATE (06/13/2004)
NEW MOVIE: Behind The Scenes- Episode 1. Yes, an insight into the creative process that goes into making Experiments and Crap.

UPDATE (05/05/2004)
Feliz Cinco De Mayo! Today I got an animator! Hopefully, this one stays!

UPDATE (04/23/2004)
Experiments and Crap Episode 1 is so close I can almost taste it!!! NEW ARTICLE: What's the Best (and Only) MMORPG Ever?

UPDATE (04/22/2004)
Sorry about the lack of updates. I've been working hard on Experiments and Crap, working on schoolwork, and playing City Of Heroes. When Experiments and Crap comes out either today or tommorow, and I finish my City Of Heroes Beta, I'll post something on those.

UPDATE (04/18/2004)
I landed a spot in the City Of Heroes Beta! I'm DtotheG Man, of course! The computers in my house a pretty low-end of the high end. It worjks, but there's a ton of lag and color is missing. If you ever see me (I'm in Atlas Park), send me a screen shot of "DtotheG Man" at

UPDATE (04/12/2004)
Our animator had his hard drive reformatted, so the release of Experiments and Crap will be delayed at least a week.

UPDATE (04/09/2004)
NEW ARTICLE: What Do Homer Simpson and Turok Have In Common? WORST GAME OF ALL TIME!!!- Big Rigs: Over The Road Racing


Writer's Portfolio
DtotheG Box
Experiments And Crap
Hate Mail
The Animator
