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My Afghans

Linda's completed afghan Linda's completed afghan
I took the Goofy from a site that went down last December and just put wings and a halo on him. I made this Blues Clues for one of my granddaughters

Linda's completed afghan Linda's completed afghan
This was made from a clipart picture. I put it into my PC Stitch program and turned it into a graph. This is the Baby Deer that I have for sale. I made this one for my supervisor for Christmas 2001

Linda's completed afghan Linda's completed afghan
This is also one of Debra's graphs. This is my daughter's afghan. She just loves Buzz. This Mickey is large enough to fit on a king size bed.

Linda's completed afghan Linda's completed afghan
Another Dalmation 2. Figment that I got online. The graph is no longer available.

Linda's completed afghan Linda's completed afghan
Harry Potter. This is my design. I bought a pillow and turned the picture into a graph. Tom the Cat from Tom and Jerry.

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This web site was created and designed by Linda Gelb.
With HTML help from Cheryl (a.k.a. "Cinnaminn").
Updated as of 14 May 2004.