Today is . Page created 04/09/01, updated 06/10/07
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[ Consigliere's Top Script Or Tutorial ] [ Receive email when this page changes ]
f any of our tutorials and or instructions are unclear or not easily understood, Please contact our Support Staff with the URL and the reason/s it is unclear. We will make every effort to rectify the situation and clarify the tutorial.
[ Support Staff @ Consigliere™ Ltd. ]
T he reason for this recent updates page is to keep you aware of any and all changes in navigation, link status and any other pertinent information that will make your visit as easy and pleasant as possible.
Effective Date
June 29, 2006
As of the above date, added two (2) new ways in which you can search our site. They are:
Effective Date
August 13, 2005
As of the above date, we have replaced the website translator we have been using.
Effective Date
August 12, 2005
As of the above date, we have instituted a page rating system on all our pages. The process is slow, but we are adding this service into all our pages, one by one.
[ Rate This Page ]
Effective Date
May 24, 2005
As of the above date, we have updated and split our [ Alphabet Index ] into two pages.
[ A thru M ] and [ N thru Z ]. Reason being is that we have received some input that the page was too large, (almost 72K) and was causing a problem on some of the older and slower systems. To rectify this problem, we just divided the page in half. We hope this does not cause any inconvenience for anyone.
Effective Date
November 27, 2004
As of the above date we have finally finished updating all our pages to be IE5.5, IE6.0, Firefox1.0, Opera7.54 and Netscape7.02 friendly and compatible. We no longer need the different entry pages for each of the above browser platforms.
Effective Date
April 4, 2004
As of the above date we have replaced our "Online Image Map Generator". The last one we linked to is no longer available.
Online Image Mapping Editor ]
Effective Date
September 1, 2002
As of the above date we have upgraded our online support group where you will not have any long wait for assistance.
Effective Date
August 4, 2002
As of the above date Adobe® has discontinued the following free services we were offering for image design and enhancement. We are in contact with them to see if they can restore the services so you can still use them.
1) Create a Banner
2) Create a Graphic
3) Optimize an Image
4) Save for Web
Effective Date
July 23, 2002
We are now proud to open our newest store that features all custom logo merchandise that reflects our web site.
Effective Date
May 12, 2002
As of the above date we are completely updating our site to make it more "Netscape" friendly. It is a very large task we are addressing for your benefit and convenience. Thank you in advance for your patience and undestanding as this process is painstaking and we are doing it as fast as humanly possible.
Effective Date
March 19, 2002
As of the above date, we have instituted a fourth way to search our site. You now can search our site by individual letters of the alphabet besides the regular alphabet search with everything on one page.
Effective Date
March 2, 2002
Many of our services call form the Bravenet servers. On Saturday March 2, Bravenet detected an unauthorized breach into their server system. As a result, Bravenet has temporarily disabled outside access until they are confident that the integrity of the server system has not been compromised.
Rectified Date
March 12, 2002
Effective Date
November 22, 2001
We have now added an on line, fully customizable stock market portfolio for your convenience.
[ Stock Market Portfolio ]
Effective Date
October 6, 2001
We are proud to announce the opening of The Consigliere's™ Casino. We have added 6 different casinos and a sports wagering parlour for your entertainment and enjoyment.
[ Consigliere's™ Casino ]
Effective Date
September 18, 2001
We now offer you a second choice to register your own domain. You can either register here or go to the Verisign section of our site.
Effective Date
September 11, 2001
We has totally changed our opening pages to reflect the context of the horrible unprovoked terroristic attack on the United States Of America on September 11, 2001 0845 hrs. We have added a section for you that you can send to everyone you know to show your support. This section should of opened in your tray, minimized. If you closed it, just click on our graphic below.
Show you colors proudly. Display the red, white and blue on your web site. Just click on the ribbon to get yours today.
Support freedom
Effective Date
September 10, 2001
We are now offering Domain registration from our site. You can either do it from here or go to our "Domain Registration Section".
[ Domain Registration ]
Effective Date
September 4, 2001
We are now offering a complete link to The Consigliere™ section, that besides linking to our site, we are offering links to our different on line services and any other section you would like to add a custom designed button to your site. If there is a section you would like to link to, it would be our pleasure to design a button for you for that section. Just contact us and it shall be done.
Effective Date
August 25, 2001
We are now offering a complete section of constantly updated virus alerts with links, solutions and any and all other pertinent information needed to see what is going on in the wonderful world of the Computer "Virus". There are two pages on this, one tailored to the home PC and the other for business systems. You can also get the code for this to add to your page.
Effective Date
August 14, 2001
We are now offering a free web site evaluation by our team of experts.
[ Free Web Site Evaluation ]
Effective Date
August 6, 2001
We have just added a section so you can view a sample of our news letter that we send out weekly.
[ Sample News Letter ]
Effective Date
August 5, 2001
On the above date we have added a section that will have our 10 newest tutorials, examples and or information pages. These will be rotated as a newer page is built an older page will be moved from the "10 newest".
[ 10 Newest Pages ]
Effective Date
August 5, 2001
There has been a lot of chatter about the "New Kid" on the block lately. His/her name is "Sircam Virus". Below is a link to tell you all about what it does, how you can get it and how to remove it if by chance your system has been "Bitten" (so to speak).
[ Read Me ]
Effective Date
July 28, 2001
As of the above date we have instituted what we feel is a much quicker way to handle all the email we receive at The Consigliere™ Ltd. Instead of emailing only The Webmaster, whom by the way was totally swamped with email and had to run around or forward the different departments email. We have opened up a section that you can email each and every department individually so your requests can be expedited much quicker and take some of the pressure off our Webmaster.
[ Departmental Email ]
Effective Date
July 16, 2001
The staff at Consigliere™ Ltd. send their regrets if anyone tried to access our site on the above date, the server that we use was having major problems within their system. We have been reasured that the problem has been dealt with and we are up and running again, with no access problems. Thank you for your understanding in this matter.
Here is their direct reply to The Consigliere™ addressing the problem;
From late in the evening of July 16, 2001, until the following day, the domain was experiencing temporary DNS* difficulties.
This caused disruption of service for portions of the Angelfire site, and for some of our member sites.
The issue has now been resolved. Thank you for your patience and we apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
Angelfire Product Support Specialist..."
*For those of you not familiar with the term DNS, it is a "Domain Name System". It is a distributed internet-wide database used with TCP/IP to associate host names and IP addresses.
Effective Date
July 15, 2001
We have been reviewing our statistics lately and have found that there have been numerous searches for how to have butterflies and other images float around your page that you have the control to choose which images and how many you want. Well We have added a file for that very script. Just type in our data banks (Site Search) the word "Butterfly" no quotes and you are there.
Effective Date
July 5, 2001
We have now added for your convienience a web design forum where you can post your questions and have others answer any web design question you need answered.
Effective Date
July 3, 2001
As you have probably noticed on our entry page that we have updated our translation services and you can now translate our site into 27 different languages.
Effective Date
June 30, 2001
We have now opened a search engine section that has links to over 800 search engines and we also have the top ranked search engines on our site that you can get the codes for and add to your site.
Effective Date
June 29, 2001
We have now opened a new section that we hope you will like. Now You can comparison shop right from the comfort of your home. We can now offer you such items as;
Books, Electronics, Toys,, Baby Items and Toys, Videos, DVD's, Optics, Sports, Flowers, Gifts, PC's, Games and much more. Just look for the link on our Bravenet Page or on the Navigation page.
The below is a non functioning example of the link for you to "Shop 'Til You Drop".
You can click the categories to see what we have to offer.
Effective Date
June 25, 2001
Effective Date
June 12, 2001
The Consigliere™ Ltd. has joined the Bravenet Family of affiliates and can now offer you the same great Free web tools that we use.These tools include guestbooks, email forms, live on line support, electronic cards, photo albums, add your link, just to name a few.
Effective Date
June 6, 2001
The Consigliere™ Ltd. is very proud to have partnered with Cognigen Networks Inc. (Leader in online telecom sales since 1995) and able at this time offer you really great deals on items that besides The Consigliere™ using (Such as the DSL service, free pager with activation, calling cards, cellular service etc.) you can also take advantage of.
Just look for the below link on our Navigation page.
Effective Date
June 4, 2001
We now offer to you a free nationwide yellowpages look-up for your convienence. Just look for this logo on our Navigation page and click on it to search the yellow pages.
Effective Date
May 16, 2001
As of the above date The Consigliere™ has added a "Utilities Page" for your use. Primarily these utilities would be used by web masters but they are available for anyone who so chooses to take advantage of them. If you are not familiar with utilities they are aids to site building such as page generators, email servers, code generators, HTML testers etc. So if you need to use them or to put one or more of them on your site do so and it is as always our pleasure to give you the best of what we
at Consigliere™ Ltd. can find.
Effective Date
May 11, 2001
The Consigliere™ has now opened his elaborate dedication pages to the Vietnam era to pay "Tribute To The Veterans Of Vietnam" which he is one of who served his country proudly and was and still is willing without a moments hesitation to give the supreme sacrifice for to defend our great nation.
Effective Date
April 28, 2001
We now have available a live feed stock exchange ticker tape that you can put on your site if you would like to.
Effective Date
April 13, 2001
We now offer free website submission to ten (10) top search engines.
Plus Yahoo! (free submission and also a fee for business listings).
And MSN (there is a fee involved for listing).
Effective Date
April 12, 2001
Effective Date
April 9, 2001
This pertinent update is in referrence to the linking to an outside site for the use of an Adobe Graphic editing program. The site we were using no longer has the Adobe program to generate banners, optimize images and generate link buttons and banners. We now have an on site link to this program so until we rectify all the links within the site to get to this link you can find it one of three ways.
Site search type in "Adobe Graphic Services"
Alphabet search under "A"
Page 5 of the directory
Until we change all the links on our pages we appreciate your cooperation in this matter.
Date Rectified
April 10, 2001
This Site Was Built And Is Maintained Exclusively by
The Webmaster @ Consigliere™ Ltd.
Copyright © Consigliere Ltd., All Rights Reserved. 2001-