Today is . Page created 08/08/02, updated 04/30/06

Scrolling Task Bar Message Generator

T ype in two messages, click a button and the code for a scrolling task bar message is generated. You can paste the generated code in either the <HEAD> and <BODY> sections of your document. It works fine in either section. Use this generator or add it to your site for free! See below to add this generator to your site.

1st Message
2nd Message
Delete the X and type your 2nd message to the right of where the X was located.
This allows spacing between the two messages.

SearchBliss / 2001

We have tested the code in IE6.0, Firefox1.5.0.2, Opera8.54*, Netscape4.08, Netscape8.1 and AOL Explorer1.2. The generated code worked in all platforms with the exception of Firefox1.5.0.2. The generator itself does work in Firefox1.5.0.2. One exception was noted in Netscape4.08 which can be rectified with an attribute of wrap=virtual within the textarea form. In Firefox1.5.0.2 the script does degrade well and you will not get any error messages.

1)     Older Netscape browsers do not wrap text by default in textarea forms. Without the added attribute when you generate the code you will need to scroll horzontally as well as vertically to view the entire code. This quick fix is made in the <BODY> section of the code all the way at the bottom. See below on where and howto make the reconfiguration.

      <td align="center" width="373" height="46"><b><font size="2" color="#fff0f5">
        <textarea name="code" rows=6 cols=40 wrap=virtual></textarea>
        </font> </b></td>

*     In reference to seeing the scrolling message with Opera8.54, you need to be sure you have your "Preferences" set to see the Status bar. At the top of your Opera8.54 browser select "Tools", when the dropdown menu appears select "Appearance...". Now a dialog box will appear where you need to select "Toolbars". Once you do, be sure the "Status Bar" box is checked . Once that is done select OK to close the dialog box and you are done.

D epending on your knowledge of HTML and javascripts, this is an easy two part copy and paste code that goes in both the <HEAD> and <BODY> sections of your document. The <BODY> section goes anywhere you want it to appear. Unless you want to change colors, there are no reconfigurations needed except the one variation noted within Netscape4.08.

U nless you want to change colors (See below), there are no reconfigurations needed except the one variation noted within Netscape4.08.

<!------ Start BODY Section Of Code ------>

<form action="">
  <table bgcolor="#000000" border="2" cellpadding="4" width="100%" height="314" bordercolorlight="#000000" bordercolordark="#000000">
      <td width="287">

W e hope our tutorial was easy to follow and we covered everything in detail. Since the original script site no longer archives this script, if you would like to add this effect into your pages, view our source code which is highly documented on where each section of code is located. If you have any problems with this or anything else, feel free to consult our FAQ ] and if you can't find the answer there, contact us ].
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