Today is . Page created 12/22/02, updated 06/10/06

Remove Program Howto Remove A Program Program Box

T o delete a program the first thing you do is go to the "Start" menu. (Lower left corner of your screen).

F rom the "Start" menu click on "Settings". When that box opens click on "Control Panel".

W hen that screen opens up you will see a whole bunch of icons with different things on them. One of them will say "Add/Remove Programs". Double click on Add/Remove programs.

N ow when that box opens all your programs in your computer will be in a scroll box. Scroll down until you "Find" the program you want to delete and click on it. Now select either the "Change/Remove" or "Remove" form button. This will open an alert box asking you:

Are you sure you want to completely remove "Name of Program" and all its components?
Yes or No

This will "Remove" the entire "Program".

For Your Information For your Information:     Once you remove the program, the process cannot be "Undone". The only way to get the program back is to "Reinstall" it. Also be advised that when you load programs many times there are "Shared Files". The shared files "Will Not" be removed by this process. Unless you are 110 percent sure which other files you want to remove this is better left the way it is.

I f you start removing shared files some of your other programs may or will not work. By deleting just to program you opted to remove it will not effect any other programs.

W e hope our tutorial was easy to follow and we covered everything in detail. If you have any problems with this or anything else, feel free to consult our FAQ ] and if you can't find the answer there, contact us ].
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