Today is . Page created 12/25/02, updated 03/26/07
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H ave you ever wondered why from your site all your images are visible and all your audio files are heard but..................
* If you paste the same codes on another site with another domain, they do not work?
M y image is not appearing on this site. It appears perfectly on my site but on this other site all I am seeing is either a mostly white and blue banner that is about the right size that reads:
Image hosted byOr the infamous X inside the non-appearing graphic with the words from my "alt" tag attached to my graphic.
W hy won't my image appear? It looks great on my site but on this other "Site", all I get is the infamous little X or the little graphic telling me the image is hosted by"Angelfire".
I gave my friend the path (address) from my site to a midi file he/she wanted. They used it as an embedded music file on their site and it did not work. It works fine on my site.
I used the same correct "complete" path to the image and audio files on both sites but on the "Other" site outside my domain it does not appear nor can I hear the music.
A re these questions or similar ones familiar to you. If so, you are not alone on the world of remote and blocked hosting. We will attempt to shed some light on this subject that can get frustrating at times.
A re you storing your graphic (image) and or audio files on a host that only allows their images and audio files to appear and or be heard on their sites or domains?
* For those who do not understand "Remote" linking it is quite simple. Most free hosts only allow their images and audio files from their pages to be seen or heard on their pages. Remote hosting allows an image and or an audio file from your site to be seen or heard if used on another hosts site. In other words:
he below is part of an article we published in one of our news letters. You must keep in mind that from our news letter all of our images are called from our host which is an "Upgraded Angelfire" account that allows remote linking. Their basic free hosting does Not allow remote hosting. Therefore you would get the below graphic telling you where the image is being hosted or called from. We feel that Angelfire's" way of blocking remote linking is a:
"....T o better explain it with images, below you have 2 images. Both are remotely hosted by Angelfire. This is the obvious choice for us since our website and files are hosted with Angelfire.
ngelfire who is our host has either free hosting with "No" remote linking abilities (First Example) or upgraded (Second Example) as we have for the ability of remote linking as this page is a testimonial to.
![]() Remote Linking |
![]() Remote Linking Permitted |
This newsletter is on the [ Bravenet ] server.
Our images on this page are are called from our host, [ Angelfire ]
Hence: Remote linking from Angelfire To Bravenet.
O n a final note with "Remote" hosting.
T o us, we feel that with the basic "Angelfire account that does not allow remote hosting, it is a very professional way they block it. It eliminates the guesswork on "Why" won't my image appear? It elevates them (Angelfire) slightly above others by not just blocking the image and all you see is the X and not knowing why it does not appear.
W ith most hosts that do not allow remote hosting, all you will see is the infamous X and wonder if there is something wrong with your system that you can't view certain graphics......"
I n conclusion, we will say that if the banner does appear correctly on your site, but does not appear correctly on this "Topsite" and or any other sites outside your domain, your site or host does not allow remote linking of files. If you require your images to be see on other domains, we suggest you find a host that allows remote linking.
e hope our tutorial was easy to follow and we covered everything in detail. If you have any problems with this or anything else, feel free to consult our [ FAQ ] and if you can't find the answer there, [ contact us ].
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