Form Buttons With A Twist

U ntil now, you had two options for building Form Buttons. You could use text or an image, or you could get fancy with CSS. But here is a new Tag that makes coding online forms both more fun and functional. You can add an image, change font size and or color etc. Back To Java Script Form Buttons ]

W e have tested the code in IE5.5, IE6, Netscape4.08 and Netscape7.0. This script worked well in all platforms with the exception of Netscape4.08 where the effects will "Not" be seen. You will only see normal form buttons with no effects.


    <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="Button Text">

T he new button command makes creating buttons easy. The following code does exactly what the previous code does:

     <BUTTON>Button Text</BUTTON>

T his code makes a button with bigger text in Georgia font, if it's on your computer:

N otice in the codes we use 3 different font styles!

<FONT FACE="Georgia,Arial,Helvetica"><BIG>Big text<BIG></FONT>

<BUTTON><FONT FACE="Arial,Georgia,Helvetica" SIZE="5"><B>Bigger<BR>Bolder Text</B></FONT></BUTTON>

Now we have coloured text:

Look, colors! And line breaks!<BR>

<BUTTON><FONT FACE="Georgia,Arial,Helvetica" COLOR="#ff0000"><B>Look, colors!<BR>And line breaks!</B></FONT></BUTTON>

How about an image? Yes, an image inside a button!


Now we have a table, and image and some Arial text!:

<TD><FONT FACE="Georgia,Arial,Helvetica" color="#ff0000" size="2"><strong><center>Get IE6!</center></strong></FONT></TD>

T hese form buttons will NOT work because they need to be incorporated within your forms in order to work.

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