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The Garden

All these pictures were taken 16 Jun 2013.
The garden has carrots, peas, tomatos, cucumbers, corn, green peppers, hot peppers, radishes, pumpkins, potatoes, onions, and flowers.
This is the tomato plant. I carried it home in a bag and it was about a foot tall with no tomatos on it all. Now there are 3 green tomatos and 1 turning red.

This is a picture of the peas.

This is a picture of the peppers.

This is a picture of the corn. It was planted 2 weeks ago.

This is a picture of the cucumbers and you can see the yellow flowers blooming.

This is a picture of the pumpkins.

This is a picture of the onions, potatoes, and watermelon were planted last week.

Boo, I will add more pictures as the garden grows. I hope you enjoy the pictures. Love you and miss you.

©2002-2007 Loren J. Moore