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The following links are a compilation of websites khaksar has painstakingly created over the last few months regarding several Jama'at events that have occurred. Please feel free to look at all of the sites, and by all means email me if any of the links or pictures do not work. Inshallah I will be adding to the sites as soon as more events happen and as long as I have my camera with me to capture all of the action.

please feel free to visit any of the sites below

************************************************IMPORTANT NOTE*******************************************************

Due to the limitations that Angelfire puts on this site, many times my site is unavailable for many hours after a large number of people view the files on this site. Please be patient when trying to view the content of this site;  sadly this site will have to remain under the restrictions Angelfire has for its members until another server can be used for unlimited bandwidth access to this site. sorry for the inconvenience. 

************************************************IMPORTANT NOTE*******************************************************



Disclaimer: THIS IS NOT AN OFFICIAL SITE OF THE AHMADIYYA MUSLIM COMMUNITY. The views expressed on these pages do not reflect the official views of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. The official views of this blessed community can be viewed on the following  web address:

Enjoy the links Below:


The Holy Prophet's Mosque, Medinah

The Kaaba, Mecca