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Sweet 16 Candles
I had my Sweet 16 in July 2003. These were and still are (?) the most important people in my life at the time. The order of the candles is NOT by rank. Read and pass the tissues please!
#1. Dad
My first candle is for my dad. You?re the greatest dad I could ever ask for. You always listen and have such smart advice. I feel like you let me grow up but still let me be a little girl at the same time. You always support me in everything I do and give me good advice, especially about people. And thank you for always playing doctor and helping me heal cuts. You're always proud of me and I love you. Can you come and help me light my first candle?
#2. Memere and Pepere
My 2nd candle is for memere and Pepere. You guys are the greatest. When I?m upset about something you always tell me that it?s ok and that things will get better. And they always do. You give me so much, and do so much for me. And thanks for letting me eat that cookie before dinner when I was a little kid even if you didn't know about it. I love you both. Memere and Pepere, will you come help me light candle number 2?
#3. Auntie Rena and Uncle Mike
Where can I start. Rena I've grown up knowing I love you. It scares me to know that you are like my mother, sister, and bestest best friend anyone could ever ask for. You have no idea how much you mean to me. I love how we spend time together even though some of it we are laughing at me in pain... you know what I mean. I'm so proud of who you are and who you are teaching me to be. You are always there no matter the circumstances. I love you. Uncle Mike...well at first I must admit I was intimidated by you, foolish as it may seem. You always reminded me of the G-I Joe charcter even though I never told you. I admire you alot and I know things are weak between us and there is not a strong bond. I wish I could fix that because you are so nice and caring and I love 4-Wheeling with you even if it was that one time. I love you both so much, I hope you know. Aunt Rena and Uncle Mike, will you come help me light candle number 3?
#4. Justin
There are so many words to describe you. You are my brother, my friend, and a prankster. You are always the one to pick up my shattered pieces when I'm sad; Whether its because I got in trouble or with friends. You were always there for me and I love you so much. I love how we can laugh at things like "105.5 JYY and the Birthday Bash CoffeePot! , the amazing hotdogholder and the llamas! Jimmy Neutron rocks right? LoL" You have it easy being little, you see all my mistakes. I just hope you never wander down SOME of the same paths I did and always keep a strong head on your shoulders. You are very special to me and you know who you are in life. Will you come up and help me light my 4th candle?
#5. Kaleigh and Nathan
My 5th candle is for my two favorite cousins, Kaleigh and Nathan. Kaleigh, you are so much fun. I love when we used to set up the dollhouse and you put the toilet in the kitchen and the beds in the living room. And Nathan you're so sweet. I know you may only be less than a yr. old but I'm so excited to see how you grw up and mature as a person. You have the best parents in the world and family. I love you both. You guys are the best. Will you come up and help me light my 5th candle?
#6. Laura
Well. Laura. I've known you since the " Highland Years " and we have become such good friends. I can tell you stuff like in my diary lol. You are only the true friend anyone could ever ask for. You listen and give me great advice. You are an awesome person and I love to laugh at our memories. Eating feet, walking into walls (not cool enough to sit in the caf p.A), and much more.LOL I love you! Will you come up and help me light my 6th candle?
#7. Kaelyn
I want to give my 7th candle to my best friend, Kaelyn. This is going to be kind of long, but I have a lot to say. Ok. Kae, you're like my sister. In fact, I think you are more like a sister then just a friend. We've grown up together for 9 years. Remember our Barbie adventures where they all stole each others boyfriends, and the clubhouse, the boys, the scams we pulled for easy cash? We have gone through so much together. As we get older everything changes so much. I could search for the rest of my life for someone new to call my best friend but I know I could never find anyone like you. You are so open-minded, shameless, and friendly. I've never met anyone with qualities as admirable and lovable as yours. There's nobody in the world like you, Kaelyn. I'm going to miss you more then you will ever know (when I leave in 2 yrs.) and no matter what, nobody will ever compare to you and no one will ever have what you and I have. I love you so much. Thank you for all you have given and taught me throughout the years. Will you come up and help me light my 7th candle?
#8. Christina
Where do I start girl! U r my #1 brto! ya heard?! lol. My shopping buddy, my partner in crime, god there is sooo much...Your eyes are beautiful, Im not playing kiddie games, oh yeah?!, boys, sleep ovrs, sneak outs..hahaha, venting, country songs, CANCUN!, tim..ugghhh.., u sure r a gangsta and idk what id do w/o u..prob lose my mind and be lost cuz we all cant be up to speed. so funny! UR MY BBFFL AND U BETTER NOT MOVE! ill hunt u down!! oh yeah!? no more brto...promise..yeaaahhhh ya wanna help me light my 8th candle..and plz dont blow it out! lol..

This candle is for everyone I've ever lost in my life that meant the world and still do. From Benny to Jeanne..may they all rest in peace and they are forever in my heart.
All my other friends. I can't name all of them for it'd fill up the whole page. I love all of them. Without them I'm not so sure how the hell I'd be right now...
#11. Amanda and Sarah
My 11th candle is for 2 very special friends. Ever since you moved down the street from me since god knows when, we have been so close. We even have fun being bored even if we don't hang out much anymore. But the car rides are fun! You are such loyal friends and you're so funny. You can always make me laugh. I'm so glad we became friends and I hope you recognize this. Will you come up and help me light my 11th candle?
#16. Mom
My 16th candle is for my mom. Mom, you are the most important person in my life. You taught me so much and helped and supported me with everything, like in school, with my homework, with my problems, just everything. I feel like I can tell you almost anything without you getting mad. We can laugh at things together. I am so lucky to have a mother who cares as much as you. I don't know how you do it but you reached the perfect combination of acting like a parent, a sister, a teacher, and a friend. You've done so much for me and I love you so much. Will you come help me light my 16th candle?