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Lynx (Eurasian & Canadian)

Eurasian Lynx

Length: 31-55 inches
Weight: 44-84 pounds
Height: 26-30 inches

Sexual Maturity: 21-30 months
Gestation: 67-74 days
Number of Young: 1-6 kittens

Diet: rabbits and hares, also roe deer, musk deer and young red deer
Lifespan: 17 years

Related Species
Asian Golden Cat (see right)

Canadian Lynx

Length: 34-46 inches
Weight: 17.5-22 pounds
Height: 24-26 inches

Sexual Maturity: 22 - 23
Gestation: 63-70 days
Number of Young: 2-4 kittens

Diet: small rodents through to deer, with the Snowshoe Hare being its favoured prey
Lifespan: 15 years

Related Species
African Golden Cat (see left)

Eurasian Lynx

  • Eurasian Lynx prefer deciduous forests or old growth taiga and mixed woodlands, with plenty of undergrowth for cover.
  • The Eurasian Lynx can be found throughout Scandinavia to Manchuria, Siberia, Iberian Peninsula, and Asia Minor.
  • The Eurasian Lynx's fur is a yellowish-grey to greyish-brown, marked with more or less distinct dark spots, and sometimes small stripes.
  • Eurasian Lynx have been seen caching carcasses in trees, especially in areas where there are other carnivorous competitors.
  • The increasing urbanization and domestication of western Europe, and the resulting significant loss of habitat and diminished prey base, have led to a severe reduction of the Eurasian Lynx population.

  • Canadian Lynx

  • The Canadian lynx inhabits mostly forested areas, but can be found in scrub land and tundra to the north.
  • Canadian lynx are found in both Canada and Alaska, as well as in some of the northern states of the USA
  • Canadian Lynx's markings are less distinct than in Eurasian, being almost masked by the thick tawny to grey coloured fur, which is often seen to have a ‘frosted’ appearance due the white tips to its fur.
  • The lynx is a diurnal hunter and in common with most wild cats, generally stalks prey alone, although group hunting and ambushing has been observed.
  • In certain areas the lynx is so closely tied to the Snowshoe that its population has been seen to rise and fall with that of the hare, even though other food sources may be abundant.
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