Short Stories in the Den

If you can't stay at the Den too long, then you have come to the right place. Sit down, make yourself comfortable and enjoy a short story or two.

** DISCLAIMER ** I do NOT own, nor do I know the members of *NSYNC, their management, their families, etc. This is FICTION folks, and the characters and story lines are FICTIONAL. ANY resemblance to real people and places is pure coincidence. So what I'm trying to say is...the members of *NSYNC are real, and everything else is not. I'm not trying to say that anyone acts the way I may portray then in my writing. That said, read on and enjoy.


Don't Tell Me You Do - Part 1 of Series
Save Me - Part 2 of Series
Rest Of My Life - Part 3 of Series
If I Didn't Have You - Part 4 of Series
Legend of the Claddagh *Envision Submission*
Allen's Falls *Envision Submission*
We're None of Us Perfect
Andrea's Song
The Bad Ass Chronicles
