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My Haikus

"Shut up," says Bill O'
Reilly. I hate that. It harms
my freedom of speech.

My article crit-
icized Bush. It's hot here in
Guantanamo Bay.

I'm Muslim. I love
being profiled. Inter-
ogation is fun

I'm an atheist.
Please stop trying to convert
me. Leave me alone.

"Drug users should be
jailed," said Rush Limbaugh. Talk a-
bout hypocricy.

Oh Canada. Land
of snow and healthcare. What a
paradise you are.

Ten democratic
presidential candidates.
All better than Bush.

"Are you, or have you
been a member of the com-
munist party?

House committee on
unamerican acti-
vities. Bunch of assholes

Howard Dean hitches
ride on back of moving truck.
Stupid, or funny?

I would kick the a-
sses of racists, but they pro-
bably have shotguns.

Yankees lose world
series. Its a stick in the
eye of Stienbrenner.

You can't argue with
a haiku. It's the best form
of poetry, eh?

World series: Mar-
lins and Yankees. It could have
been Red sox and Cubs.

In the batters box
Joe McEwing hops. So won-
derfully annoying.

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