yugioh card battle

Yugioh advance rules Each player draws 5 cards from top of there deck. Then one play can put down up to 5 magic, trap, crush or ritual cards on the field and one monster. Each deck must contain at least 40 cards but no more then 100 cards If one player runs out of cards they lose. First move is determined by a coin flip. Fusions monsters can not attack the tern they are put on the field After first move a magic or trap card can be put on the field at any time . Only 1 monster can be put on the field per tern Players can put up to 2 monsters in to the grave yard per tern Only one monster can attack another monster per tern and to monsters can attack to deferent monsters per tern. If a player has no monsters on the field you can attack his life pointes directly with as many monsters that haven’t attacked before in that tern. Defend cards have defend powers . Field cards are not effected by magic, trap or effects unless it is stated by the magic, trap or effect. If you and your opponent have the same monster on the field. They are effected the same way by any magic, trap of effect.