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Some content not suitable for ages under 14.
The current mood of at
Hi~! Oh my, when was the last time this page was updated? Ever since graduation, I have found so many things to occupy me via internet~!! Also, I am trying to organize my projects before my year gets too crazy. I've been MIA a lot~! I can't wait until September. Just think- it begins with tax-free week *you can bet your booty I am taking advantage of that*, and ends with my birthday~! That's right...I'll be 23, baby~! A 23 year old with a closet that's too small for her own good. Sigh~! I hope that everyone else is doing well, and cramming their schedules with fun stuff to do throughout the month. If you want to hang out, give me a call~!
xoxo, Christina
Take a peek here...My Webbie Journal!
Entry Posted: August 30th, 2004
Welcome Back:
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And the rest of my pages are:
-*Stuff about ME*

*1* *5*
~Christina's PICTURES*!! ~
Margaret's 22nd Birthday!
March 2003 Madness!
~MOVIE "Survey" WEBBIE*!~
~Where I WANNA Go*!~

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