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Anti Banana Society - Main Page
Anti Banana Now

  General Information
What is the Anti Banana Society?
What exactly do you do?
Who is in this 'society'?
Is it legal?
Can I become a member?
Does this have anything to do with Linux?
WTF is a Hirogen? 
So, the Hirogen are evil?
Do you like the hirogen?
How can we learn from the Hirogen?

Other Information
50 reasons bananas are crap
A poem about bananas
Information about the banana hunters
What to do if you see a banana Good Countries
How to handle banana lovers
Information about bananas
Ways of dealing with certain situations
Free Anti Banana Essay

Anti-Banana Guestbook
Anti-Banana BBS
Anti-Banana Mailing List
Anti-Banana Links
Anti-Banana Vote 
Older News 

Anti-Banana FAQ
Anti-Banana Jokes

Supporting The ABS
Anti-Banana Comic

Anti Banana Game
Anti Banana Survey
Anti Banana Purity Test
Interactive Story
Fan Mail

No more bananas

The Anti-Banana Society (ABS) is a new subdivision of the United Nations, designed to 'purify' the world of all Bananas. It combines all the world's resources, outstanding technological superiority, and military forces to rid the world of what has become a very serious threat to the survival of humanity and our freedom.

The ABS is a completely new Society, send by the United Nations, to rid the world of the bananas - forever. And when I say bananas, I don't mean B1 and B2 - I mean the real things.  Those yellow slimy thingys you pay for... yes PAY for, and then take home.  People don't realize how serious this problem is.  Sure, bananas LOOK and SOUND nice - but they're not.  The situation is getting out of hand. It's a problem just waiting to happen.

We would like to invite you to learn more about the ABS.. 

Updates (25 April):

Story of how the banana became the enemy.

Updates (12 January):

Banana militia leaders announced.

Updates (8 January):

Geoff Number 1, Patron Saint.

Updates (14 December):

Activities to woo kids over


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Last updated on 25 April 2004.
Maintained by the United Nations.
E-mail the web master.