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Animal House USA, Inc.
Vernon, New York

Directors & Contact Info
Find a Friend!
Success Stories


Welcome to Animal House USA, Inc.!

Animal House USA is a not-for-profit organization that was created to help animals. Every day in the United States thousands of animals are left at over burdened shelters, or abandoned by their owners. Animal shelters are often financially stretched to their limits by taking in these unfortunate animals.

Animal House is committed to helping these shelters and the animals by donating time, supplies, and even financial support when possible. Created by an animal lover and assisted by a growing membership, we have provided local shelters with much needed assistance.

There are many ways you can help!
We gratefully accept donations of supplies & financial help for our animals in need. 
And...if you are looking for a special animal to share your home with, you came to the right place!
We are teaming up with local shelters and with,
to assist you in bringing home your perfect pet.

For more information, please feel free to browse our web pages,
or send an email to



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This site was last updated 02/05/04