
Mandy's Magnificant and Amazing Awards Page Showcase!!! You will be amazed at the amount of awards that Mandy has won.  This journey may take you hours but it is well worth being able to witness such a spectacular array of various awards.  You will wish that you yourself were as wonderful and perfect as Mandy.

I entered the fic Cheezy Dreams.

Wait a minute...that's it!! One award! What is this award anyway?

Mandy:'s a participation award for the fanfic challenge.

But this isn't an award to be astounded at. Heh heh..okay folks she's just joking isn't she cute?

Mandy: *taps the announcer on the shoulder* ummm...actually that is it.

*The annoucer gives her a long, hard look and realizes that Mandy is being serious.*'m sure Mandy is just being modest.  What a sweet young lady. Let's give her a hand.

Mandy: *shakes her head* No..really. There's nothing special about me.  I'm just an average person.

*The annoucer sweats and mutters under his breathe to Mandy* We have to show something of an award for you...

Mandy: *shrugs* I'm sorry but I have no other awards.

*The annoucer smiles at the readers and tries to recover.* Okay folks...she says that she doesn't have any awards to show but she does have some very impressive titles.

Mandy: *gives the annoucer a puzzled look* Well I don't think impressive would be the right word for it.

Umm...yes very impressive and could you please tell me where did you get these awards you are about to tell me about?

Mandy: I held an awards show for myself just now and I won a few.

Well then let me annouce them. *Clears his throat*
Person most likely not to recieve an award
Biggest TMNT fan loser award
The worst site award
Stupidiest idea for a fic award
Worst awards page award
Participation in the awards award

Mandy: *smiles proudly feeling a little ashamed for not being modest at this point*

What kind of awards are those?? Those are terrible awards.

Mandy: Well with that kind of attitude they are but I happen to like my awards.

What about the title of this awards showcase? None of those awards are magnicant and amazing.

Mandy: Sure they are. They are my magnificantly and amazingly terrible awards. *big grin*