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Hi, My name is Amanda, I live in New York, USA. I am 21 years old now. I haven't really been working on this too much lately but whenever i get the time now ill add a lil' more each time i think. Thanx for being so patient. peace
I am still working on my page, i have just reciently started to accually put everything together.

i want to live in North Carolina. On Okracoke Island. It's on the Outer Banks. I've been there before and being next to the ocean like that is simply incredable.

Thats my boyfriend Chadly

Chads a skater so i thought I'd give him a little piece of my profile just for himself. Here you go.

a great band called INCUBUS

I'd like to say hi to all of my friends, you guys are awsome. Ashley and Rachel you girls are my best friends ,, my BFF lol. Sabrina you are like a sister to me. Ill always be here for you.


What if aliens really do exist, wouldn't that be something to believe in? Have you ever watched one of those shows where things have really been seen? Things nobody can explain. The town of Roswell where the supposed weather baloon landed, but yet they had the place heavily guarded with special force men so that nobody could see what was going on, they had a bunch of those men searching the grounds for the pieces of sumthing that crashed in that spot. Two bodies were found at the scene and had been declared dead, but they had also seen another figure that was not dead, was very much alive, but they caught it and took it away. The men went across the field where it had crashed shoulder to shoulder crawling on the ground to make sure they got all the pieces. I think the government was trying to hide something and didn't want to send the rest of the world into a panac. I doubt if it really was just a weather baloon that they would have to be so pertective of it. They had a woman on the show also that was telling about her and her husband that had witnessed the whole thing that they were to go along with the weather baloon story or they would have been "killed and buried where noone would find them." If you look at some old art work there are shiny UFOs in the sky and in everypicture with that there is some one looking at it in the background. Even in the bible it talks about shiny objects looming from the sky. Now you can make your own conclusions on what all of that means or doesn't mean. But it's nice to have something to wonder about, maybe those people who cloned that baby were really on to something, maybe they know something we don't. Maybe we were all created by aliens. They are being sighted around the world. Maybe we were all just an experiment to see how we all live and work and survive and reproduce. They do say that aliens would be extremely smart if they did exist... ~Just something to ponder for a while...

"Make strangers your friends and you friends alot stranger"