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Shown here is the unsuspecting virgin case moments before the blade pierced the hull!

This is the beginning. As you can see 6 broken cutting discs into it and only 3 inches of headway and then a visit to Wal-Mart for some heavy duty Dremel accessories.

I bought enough cutting blades for 100 of these projects. 2 of the reinforced cutting disks was all it took to finish it up. Look closely SPARKS!

Finally what we have here is......well its a hole, not too exciting but its my hole and I like it.

After all that cutting and smoothing those sharp edges, here we have the window mounted safely in the case side panel. The glass etch-like decal will be added later.

The decal is added and the door is back in place. Here it is all back together and safe at last..but not for long!

I ripped it open one more time to add a soft romantic glow to the computer and consequently my bedroom. Some say my room needed it, but I don't know what they are talking about. The switch that will be mounted in the back of the case in the near future will prevent me from dreaming everything with a green hue. I like my women flesh colored not green, but thats just me.

Shut the lights off and look what we have. Now is that a romantic glow?....or is that a romantic glow??

And here it is again. GLOW BABY GLOW!! Yeah

Here it is still glowing, I really neeed to install that switch.

Well that concludes the computer modifications for this week. I will neaten up the wires inside later. Here you can see the mighty beast humming along at idle just waiting to take over the world! Doesn't it just bring a tear to your eye? Umm well yeah me either I was just kidding, really...

Next modification...WATER COOLING!!

The neon light will make the water in the pipes glow with some additives. And you thought I just liked cutting holes in my computer case for fun. Well honestly it was for fun, I know what the inside looks like, and I don't spend my time staring at my computer, but now you get to enjoy it too! You can thank me later, or just go sign the guest book.