107THNEWLOGO by Matthew A. Maringola
Graphic Artist. The stylized 27 in the center of the patch also  forms the letters N.Y. in recognition of the unit's nickname, The New York Division. The seven stars are from the constellation Orion in honor of the 27th Division's commander John F. O'Ryan

Helping with spring clean-up

About to discover the Koi

Just after his shave

Cooling off in the lake, Pottersville


Sit. Stay.

With Star

Figure eights

Max and Gwen

Home page of 27th Division, 107th Infantry, New York Division, N.Y. Division, O'Ryan's Roughnecks, General John F. O'Ryan, New York National Guard, N.Y. National Guard, NGNY, N.G.N.Y., N.Y.N.G., NYNG, doughboys, doughboy, A.E.F., AEF, American Expeditionary Force, Great War, World War,  First World War, WWI, St. Quentin, Hindenburg Line, Western Front, 1918, reenacting