Tuesday, Nov 12
Day off. Pass to Amiens. Hold ups on roads at night. Mailed 14 whizz bangs (used here to mean brief notes or postcards) until I get a chance to answer 35 letters now on hand. Feeling absolutely punk.
Wednesday, Nov 13
Day on. Big dinner. Work like the devil to get it out. Thursday, Nov 14
Day off.
Friday, Nov 15
Big dinner by mess funds - 182 Francs. Roast veal, salad with tomatos and hard boiled eggs, celery, mashed potatoes, custard pudding, onion gravy and cocoa. Farewell dinner to 107 signal platoon.
Saturday, Nov 16
Left in lorry 9 am. Passed thru Aubigny to Corbie. Pretty good billets.
Sunday, Nov 17
KP in company kitchens - good cooks.
Monday, Nov 18
Squads east and west in morning - afternoon, new equipment. Writing letters.
Tuesday, Nov 19
#12 to Mom, #3 to Annie, #4 to Marion, Ed, Liz, Mr. Barrett. Reviewed by Lt. Col. Hallahan and Maj. Howe with movies. Maj. Mahoney also present. Got chilled without overcoat.
Wednesday, Nov 20
Chills and fever. Temp 99.6. Sick in quarters - writing letters.
Thursday, Nov 21
Dull as per usual. KC doing good work.
Friday, Nov 22
Preparing to move tomorrow.
Saturday, Nov 23
Orders changed, leaving tomorrow.
Sunday, Nov 24
Up at 1:30 am, entrained at 2:00 am, left Corbie 3:19 am, passed thru Darnetal.
Monday, Nov 25
Thru La Mans to Montfort. Detrained 5:30 am. Billetted at Port du Gennes. Cleanest little town we've bee in. Everything spick and span. Washing place at creek.
Tuesday, Nov 26
Drilled for while in rain, then dismissed. Writng letters. Wrote 9 letters - finish of 35 letters.
Wednesday, Nov 27
Jackassing 100 bags of sugar, coffee, and beans all day at railroad dump. On kitchen guard all night helping prepare Thanksgiving dinner.
Thursday, Nov 28
No reveille on Thanksgiving Day. Fine dinner - stuffed geese, potatoes, pie, cigars, and nuts. Allday off. Letters, #4 from Marion, #10, 13, 15, 16, 17 from Mom, 2 from Ed, 1 from Mr. Barrett and 1 from Cheyne.
Friday, Nov 29
Cootie inspection - drill - have two ring worms.
Saturday, Nov 30
Check up of equipment - drill in afternoon.
Sunday, Dec 1
Visited LaMons. 7:14 am train to LaMons - pretty fair place - had fair time. 4:24 pm train back.
Monday, Dec 2
Sick in quarters.
Tuesday, Dec 3
Got the flu. Temp. 104.2. Got to go to hospital. At camp hospital 101, Ward 1 - not very much eats.
Wednesday, Dec 4
Fever 102.5 night and day.
Thursday, Dec 5
Fever last night. All right today. Going to get out tomorrow.
Friday, Dec 6
Returned to battalion.
Saturday, Dec 7
Sick in quarters.
Sunday, Dec 8
Sick in quarters. Letter #18 from Mom, Bob, H. Carson. Letter #13 to Mom, Mr. Barrett, Ed, Marion.
Monday, Dec 9
Sick in quarters. Letter #14 to Mom, Rob, H. Cheyne, H. Carson, Werler, - first letter to Grandpa and Aunt Mary.
Tuesday, Dec 10
In quarters - drizzling rainy weather all the time.
Wednesday, Dec 11
In quarters - argument with Doc.
Thursday, Dec 12
In quarters. Papers received. Made 1st Class Private. $3.00 more per month.  Signal Corps P.F.C. insignia
Friday, Dec 13
Hard luck day for superstitious people. Letter #19 from Mom.
Letter from Annie. Check for 70F from Mr. Jones. Tough luck day for me. In quarters.
Saturday, Dec 14
Letters to Mr. Jones and Annie, #15 to Mom. Off sick book at last. On wood pile making little ones out of big ones.
Sunday, Dec 15
Pass to LeMons. Pretty good time. 48Fr for Mom's souvenir pillow top.
Monday, Dec 16
On KP.
Tuesday, Dec 17
Out to drill for first time in Lord knows how long. Letter from (illegible)answered.
Wednesday, Dec 18
Stayed in billet. Raining so I can't drill according to my own opinion. Not assigned to a squad so don't answer formations, even reveille.
Thursday, Dec 19
Around billet again.Friday, Dec 20
Buzzer operator on maneuvers with 3rd Battalion 10? Maj. Engel. Hail storm. Tapped in on umpires wire.
Saturday, Dec 21
Inspection by Capt. Motley. Personal and billet. Half day off. Letter from H. Erard.
Sunday, Dec 22
No formations. Latest rumor - won't be home for at least a couple of months. Bet 10Fr with J. Miller we'll be in States by Feb. 22. Slept all day for first time.
Monday, Dec 23
Maneuvers. Visual between Div. and Brigade. Picture taken with Lt. Col. Hallahan and Corps S.O. Bawled out for not wearing helmets. 2 1/2 mile shot with lamp to Montfort Chateau. #16 to Mom.
Tuesday, Dec 24
Missed drill and inspection. Put on detail to get away clean. New Lt. a corker. Bar of chocolate, pack of tobacco, pack of Fatima from Y.M.C.A. Package (Xmas) from Mom.
Wednesday, Dec 25
Christmas - merry. Pillow fight - snowstorm of feathers. Half Bat. gone to LeMons for blowout. Dinner of roast beef, brown gravy, mashed potatoes, tomatos, apple pie, grapes, nuts, chocolate, pack of Camels and ? Cigar from K of C. Johnson, Kahler and I cut each others hair so as to save my 1 franc for 3 lbs. of Candles. Letter #17 to Mom. Bunch had good time at LeMons. Our turn New Year's.
Thursday, Dec 26
Inspection. Brisk walk. Everything par bon with Lt. Heat. Buzzer - afternoon off.
Friday, Dec 27
Inspection. Building house over latrine in afternoon at Bat. HQ.
Saturday, Dec 28
Inspection by Cpt. Building house over latrine in square. Supposed to be good job. Pretty fair but old boy Howe didn't like fancy curves on corners.
Sunday, Dec 29
Day off around billet.
Monday, Dec 30
Inspection. Renovating latrine shed back of platoon HQ with Pat and Johnson.
Tuesday, Dec 31
On KP. Letter #20 from Mom and Mable. One from Annie. Going to move by Jan. 10. 1919
Wednesday, Jan 1
Dinner at LeMons. Fair dinner - good as French can make. Very good show. Knock about Division Insignia. Pat and Johnson broke from 1st class Pvt. and cannot wear insignia. I'm still 1st class and can wear insignia but won't until everyone can. Some speedo on lorries. Trouble with gear shift - burned up oil. #18 to Mom, Mable, and Annie.
Thursday, Jan 2
Inspection. Physical culture. Hike in afternoon.
Friday, Jan 3
Inspection. Not up for reveille. On S. Book. Detailed to Bat. dump.
Saturday, Jan 4
Inspection. Personal and show down. Afternoon off. Letter to Lillian
Sunday, Jan 5
Day off hanging around billet.
Monday, Jan 6
Inspection and hike. Afternoon practice review and inspection (Bat.) by Maj. Howe and Col. Hallahan. More fun than a circus.
Tuesday, Jan 7
Inspection and hike - physical torture. Afternoon Bat. review and inspection by Col. Taylor (Corps Signal Officer), Lt. Col. Hallahan and Maj. Howe.
Wednesday, Jan 8
My birthday (21) - Dammit. (Two lines scratched out.) Inspection, hike - physical torture. Afternoon 1 to 2 practice review and inspection. 3:00 pm marched in review at time of Col. Roosevelt's funeral.
Thursday, Jan 9
On soft detail helping Charlie Dooling to get his supply book up to date. Charlie is a blooming good skate. Washed equipment. Capt. Everitt to leave soon (good skate).
Friday, Jan 10
Fixing up Charlie Dooling's book.
Saturday, Jan 11
On detail with Charlie Dooling. Afternoon off.
Sunday, Jan 12
All day off. Big dinner. Roast pork, potatoes, stuffing, apple sauce, cakes, grapes, nuts, chewing gum, cigar, cigarettes.
Monday Jan 13
With Charlie Dooling. Had to get book in "toot Sweet" so we had to hustle. Letter from H. Smith and Marion. Cootie and Scabies inspection. Passed OK.
Tuesday, Jan 14
Inspection, bath, games in afternoon.
Wednesday, Jan 15
Inspection - afternoon - drilling as a company of two platoons for parade. Letter #21 from Mom. #19 to Mom, Lillian, (illegible), #6 to Marion.
Thursday, Jan 16
Inspection - drill - afternoon played volley ball - great sport. Letters to H. Smith, H. Carson. Handkerchiefs to Link, Bella, Liz, John.
Friday, Jan 17
Inspection and drill. Afternoon volley ball.
Saturday, Jan 18
Full pack showdown inspection. Took C. Doolings place with Lt. Afternoon off.
Sunday, Jan 19
Ironed everything I got even to my ditty bag to get rid of cooties.
Monday, Jan 20
Inspection and hike. Afternoon practice review. Letter # 22 from Mom. Letters from Annie, Mable, Lillie, Maude and Rob.
Tuesday, Jan 21
Inspection and drill. Afternoon practice review with packs. Drew rations for tomorrow.
Wednesday, Jan 22
Reveille 5:45. Breakfast at 6:00. Left 6:45 for Belgian Camp. 8 miles packs. Inspection and review by General Pershing at attention. Rain and cold as the devil. Snappy soldiers. Hike back 8 miles. Pretty tired and cold.
 Generals Pershing, Read and O'Ryan at inspection and review of the 27th Division at the Belgian Camp, Sarthe, France, January 22, 1919 signal corps photo
Thursday, Jan 23
On KP. Motley asked me words of song about bugler.
Friday, Jan 24
Inspection and hike. Afternoon cleaning up.
Saturday, Jan 25
Full pack inspection. Turned in blankets - reissued punk ones.
Sunday, Jan 26
Pass to LeMons. Pat and I too lazy. Johnnie Miller met Red Cross nurse - tres bon.
Monday, Jan 27
Inspection and drill. Afternoon of volley ball.
Tuesday, Jan 28
Inspection 10:30. Physical exam for C and C. Had to shave, bathe in afternoon. Blue ointment.(this ointment contained mercury and was used to treat a variety of skin diseases and to kill body lice)
Wednesday, Jan 29
Inspection. Hike around the Count's chateau. Some estate. Afternoon volley ball.
Thursday, Jan 30
Thru de-cootie station in LeMons. Fight with Sgt. Turned in Dooling and I drinking Rum Malaga and Cognac. Came back and Charlie, Johnson, Miller and myself got a good drunk. Slept full pack. Friday, Jan 31
Up at 5:00 am. Argument with cooks. Still stewed. Full pack inspection by embarkation officer. Dizzy Lt. bawled me out for not minding him.
Saturday, Feb 1
Full pack inspection. Billets cleaned out. Lt. bawls Johnson out for what I did yesterday, by mistake. Afternoon off -paid $15.60. Letter #6 from Marion - #20 to Mom.
Sunday, Feb 2
Pass to LeMons with Johnson and Miller. 10:23 am train to Connerea, 11:05 Paris Express to LeMons. Bought several souvenirs - 4:34 pm train back.
Monday, Feb 3
Inspection physical torture. C and C inspection. Afternoon off to clean up.
Tuesday, Feb 4
Inspection and hike. C and C inspection. Afternoon, bath - cleaning up. Orders to move on Feb. 9 Letter to Ed and H. Carson. Souvenirs to Mrs. Carson and Miss Valentine.
Wednesday, Feb 5
Inspection, hike, C and C. Afternoon raining - complete Co. formation. Letter to Mr. Barrett and #7 to Marion. On guard 11:30 pm to 4:00 am.
Thursday, Feb 6
Big doings about last night's guard. Slept to noon. Formations of whole company at 8:40 am and 1:30 pm. Afternoon off. Capt. Gorman in charge. Motley left for States.
Friday, Feb 7
On company orderly. Lots of fun. C and C inspection in afternoon. OK. Confidential talk with Lt. Heath.
Saturday, Feb 8
Full pack but no inspection. Afternoon off.
Sunday, Feb 9
Slept to noon. Day off, nothing to do all around town.
Monday, Feb 10
Inspection, hike, 2 1/3 Fr pay. Afternoon formation - gas mask drill for parade.Tuesday, Feb 11
Inspection, hike, afternoon formation, C and C inspection, OK.
Wednesday, Feb 12
Inspection - 1 1/2 hours, squads east and west. Afternoon off to wash web equipment. Order read that we'll be clear of France by March 1. Too good to be true.
Thursday, Feb 13
2 formations, excused from drill to clean equipment at my own request. Good way to get away from drill. Sewed on s.s (service stripe) and d.i.(division insignia)
Friday, Feb 14
On KP. Ralph Munday died 10:00 am of spinal meningitis - short time sick.
Saturday, Feb 15
Full pack and billet inspection. House of Lords quarantined because of Munday - 16 men. Afternoon off.
Sunday, Feb 16
Up at 10:00 am. Letter #21 to Mom. Letters to D. Ennis and Bob. Hanging around, don't know what to do.
Monday, Feb 17
Inspection - letters with Hdk.(handkerchief) to Lillie, Mabel and Maude (sister). Hike through Count's estates, artificial lakes and caves and ?ents. (Count is probably Count Pierre, whose wife was the daughter of Chauncey Depew, an American politician. They allowed their estate to be used by the 27th Division for training.) C and C inspection at 2:30 pm - OK. Y.M.C.A. show at night, "Gloom Chasers". 2 girls and 2 fellows (Ida Irwin) from Brooklyn. Made a great hit, fine show.
 Every Doughboy probably sent one of these to at least one woman in his life George A. Morrice Family
Tuesday, Feb 18
Inspection, morning off to clean billets. Formation in afternoon. Baths 2:30 to 3:30. Bum show of engineers walked out. Letter #25 from Mom and 1 from Harold.
Wednesday, Feb 19
Inspection, then morning off. Afternoon hour hike and washed dirty clothes.
Thursday, Feb 20
Letter #23 to Mom. Letter to H. Carson. Mail stopped at 10:00 am. Formation, raining, morning off. Gorman's a real Capt. Final C and C inspection - OK. Night, Big Six and Gloom Chasers show.
Friday, Feb 21
Morning formation and afternoon. Barracks bags gone. Day off. Letter from Annie. Too late to answer.
Saturday, Feb 22
Morning formation. Rolled packs. Left Pont de Tennes 2:00 pm. Hiked to Champagne (Red Cross). 56 in American freight car. Left 8:50 pm - riding all night.
Sunday, Feb 23
Passed thru LeMons, Laval, Rennes, La Bohemere, Lambelle, St. Brieuch, Gurngamp, Marlax (bridges ?), Landerneau, Brest. Arrived at Brest 8:00 pm. Systematic mess hall. Hiked 3 miles up hill to camp in tents - some mud hole - always raining.
Monday, Feb 24
Great eats. C & C inspection in afternoon. On guard - raining to beat the devil 4 to 6 and 10 to 12 pm.
Tuesday, Feb 25
On guard 4 to 6 and 10 to 12 am. Mud to ears - strict discipline.
Wednesday, Feb 26
Carrying tents about 500 yards - in morning - rain and wind galore. Show down inspection by embarkation inspector.
Thursday, Feb 27
On short detail for water, wood and coal. Most of day off.
Friday, Feb 28
On KP woodpile and cleaning around kitchen all day. No rain for a wonder. Packs ready to move.
Saturday, Mar 1
Packs made up ready to move any time after 9:00 am. Nothing doing. Reading all day.
Sunday, Mar 2
Packs made up by 8:00 am ready to move. Nothing doing - reading and sleeping all day.
Monday, Mar 3
Reveille at 4:00 am. Left camp 6:00 am. Hiked 4 miles to pier - raining. Boarded tug to SS Hollandia - baggage detail. Sailed 2:00 pm. 150 nurses - some sick already.
Tuesday, Mar 4
Pretty rough, everybody seasick. Nurses very sociable - storm.
Wednesday, Mar 5
Fairly calm. Quite a few sick yet. Another storm passed thru.
Thursday, Mar 6
Very calm, everyone feeling good. Razzing officers about promenade deck. Physical exercise 10:20 am to 10:40. C and C inspection in afternoon on deck - damned fools. Entertainment at night - razz.
Friday, Mar 7
Very calm. Drill 10:20 to 10:40. Razz cooks. Assigned to lifeboat #7. Met Lt. Bill Tillier of Manual. Old school mate. Not much time to talk - interested in nurses.
Saturday, Mar 8
Morning drill - lifeboat drill 3:00 pm. Steward buried 12:00 pm - choppy sea.
Sunday, Mar 9
Day to ourselves. Pretty bad day - rain.
Monday, Mar 10
Pretty fair day. Passed French tramp.
Tuesday, Mar 11
Passed three ships. Rain and heavy seas breaking over decks.
Wednesday, Mar 12
Hurricane - norther - strong wind. Some waves breaking over ship. Waves 40 to 50 feet high all day and all night.
Thursday, Mar 13
Morning drill in heavy seas and high winds. Passed 7 ships.
Friday, Mar 14
Very cold with slight wind and choppy seas. 300 miles out of New York.
Saturday, Mar 15
Sighted land 7:00 am. Arrived quarantine station 12:00 noon. Docked 1:30 pm at Bush docks. Mom, Lizzie and Annie on tug. Took river steamer to Weehauken - great reception. West shore train to Dumont. Hiked into Camp Merritt - up all night.
Sunday, Mar 16
2:00 am went through de-louser - some drill. Barracked in section 3. Up at 7:00 am. Noon went home on pass. Whole mob home. Mom, R? and Bill at Merritt.
Monday, Mar 17
Back to camp at 11:00 am. Home on pass at 2:00 pm. Went to Carsons.
Tuesday, Mar 18
Back to camp at 11:00 am. On detail at co. office helping Gargon. Slept at camp.
Wednesday, Mar 19
Pass at 3:00 pm. Went up to Lizzies.
Thursday, Mar 20
Back to camp 1:00 am. Pat and I got passes at 1:00 pm. Went to office, then home, then to Pat's house. Slept at Pat's house.
Friday, Mar 21
At Pat's house all day. Slept there at night.
Saturday, Mar 22
Up at 5:00 am. Returned to camp just in time to get put on detail. 3:00 pm - on pass home.
Sunday, Mar 23
Returned 3:00 pm. A little late but got away with it. Slept in camp.
Monday, Mar 24
Up at 3:00 am. Left at 6:00 am. Hiked 6 miles to Alpine Landing. By steamer to 34th St. Paraded on Fifth Ave from 25 to 35th St. Some reception. Went to 71st armory at 34th and Park Ave. Pass home at 5:00 pm. Went to Grand O.H.    Members of Co. E,106th Inf lining up for parade. (Please contact me if you can identify specific location) all above: mhf collection
 "Fighters who broke the Hindenburg line parading down Fifth Ave., New York" George Eastman Collection, Rochester, NY
Tuesday, Mar 25
Back to armory at 7:00 am. Lined up for parade at 11th St. Paraded up to 116th St. One hell of a time with crowds - had to double time too much on account of crowd. Glad its over but it was some reception. 3rd Ave train back to armory. Supper at Waldorf Astoria Hotel (half chicken). Home at 7:00 pm - good sleep.  Menu courtesy of G.A.Morrice's Family Banquet at the Astoria
Photo from NY Times, April 6, 1919
Wednesday, Mar 26
Slept to 2:00 pm. Returned to armory at 7:00 pm. Dance - Made and L. Sarencen, Chop Suey, Wise cracker - Dorothy Bill.
Thursday, Mar 27
Got home at 3:30 am. Back at armory at 6:30 am. Left armory at 8:00 am. Ferry across to L. I. City. L.I.R.R. to Camp Upton. Billetted at 3rd Ave. and 3rd St. 1 year in service today.
Friday, Mar 28
Snow storm - cold as hell. Hanging around barracks all day. Moved down stairs to ice box.
Saturday, Mar 29
Hanging around barracks. K.C. dance in afternoon. Letters from Mom and Marion.
Sunday, Mar 30
On KP. J. Miller's folks came out in car. Signed discharge.
Monday, Mar 31
Signed payroll. Hanging around. At night saw Charlie Chaplin in Shoulder Arms at Buffalo Theater.
Tuesday, Apr 1
Reveille at 6:00 am. Medical exam in morning - passed OK. Lectures on insurance, jobs and wild women.
Wednesday, Apr 2
Latrine guard all day. Over at K.C. basketball game at night.
Thursday, Apr 3
Hanging around billet all day. At K.C. at night.
Friday, Apr 4
Reveille at 4:30. Paid at 10:00 am. Had to go back to clean billets. Automobile to N.Y. - 110 miles - racing Ford. Home at 3:00 pm. Bought civie shoes. Went to Grand D.H.
Saturday, Apr 5
Pressing uniform in afternoon. Slept all morning.
  Match safe courtesy of G.A. Morrice's Family
SEPT. 28 - NOV 11, 1918