Completed Stories


Angel and Willow

Charity email:

Puppy For Your Love.
Rating: PG. A bit of minor cussing, that's it.
Summary: Angel reflects on stuff. Angst.



Carpe Diem
Rating: PG-13
Summary: After Buffy’s death, Willow goes to LA to away from it all, when she finds she can’t escape her feelings.

Good-bye Love
Rating: PG-13
Summary: What if the pain of losing her friends was too much for Willow?

In the Arms of a Monster
Rating: PG-13
Summary: From Angel's point of view on Willow

Something to Hold on To
Rating: PG-13
Summary: After Angel leaves, Willow feels a void that nothing seems to fill.

Twist of Fate
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Two people realize they belong.


Northlight email:

Penance Series

Everything I Am
Summary: Willow's guilt leads her to make a lifetime commitment.
Rating: PG13

Downward Spiral
Summary: Willow's guilt leads her to make a lifetime commitment.
Rating: PG13

It All Came Tumbling Down
Summary: Willow's guilt leads her to make a lifetime commitment. (This part is at least a few weeks after the events in the last two stories.)
Rating: PG13

The Next Best Thing
Summary: Willow's guilt leads her to make a lifetime commitment. (This part is a few years after the first three stories.)
Rating: PG13


Other Stories

Summary: A meeting between Angel and Willow before he got turned into her 'puppy'.

Fun Now
Rating: um... PG13?

This is How it Happened.
Summary: This is more than likely going to be rather confusing.Anyway, Xander and Buffy give their views on how Willow and Angel gottogether.
Warning: There's a tiny bit of language.

Unwelcome Truths
Rating: PG13, maybe.

Watch Them Fall
Summary: Buffy isn't quite as unobservant as she's often portrayed...

Wish Upon a Star
Summary: Dreams sometimes do come true... although not always as we would have expected them to. Short fluff-fic.
Rating: Uh... PG.


Throwastar Email:

I Still Run
Summary: A short story in which Willow has to deal with tragedy.
Rating: PG

The Writing on the Wall
Summary: What happened to Willow 3 years ago in Sunnydale? And
why did she never come back?
Rating: PG-13 (R?)

Spike and Willow

Northlight email:

The Chain Series

The Final Link in the Chain (1/7)

The Final Link in the Chain (2/7)

The Final Link in the Chain (3/7)

The Final Link in the Chain (4/7)

The Final Link in the Chain (5/7)

The Final Link in the Chain (6/7)

The Final Link in the Chain (7/7)

The Final Link in the Chain Epilogue


Other Stories

Approaching the Precipice
Summary: Willow is suffering a serious case of denial. (It's weird).
Rating: PG13? for an itsy bit of mild sex. Blink and you'll miss it.

Days Go By (1/1)
Summary: Willow recounts the progression of her relationship with Spike.
Rating: The usual PG13, I suppose.

Warning: One single swear word.

Summary: Random mumbling, mostly. But you're in luck, becausethey're short ones :)

Looking for Love in all the Wrong Places
Summary: Short, silly-ish and plotless. Willow realizes why all her previous relationships have ended in failure.
Rating: PG?

Red (title helpfully suggested by Amanda).
Summary: Willow gets some help to deal with Spike.

Tears in Heaven
Warning: There's lots of mention of Heaven and Hell in here, so if that offends you, or if you're sensitive about how they are portrayed, this may not be the story for you.

Things Seen
Note: I'm using the rumours for season four about Spike helping the gang.
Rating: PG-13

When it Rains, it Pours
Summary: A small piece of fluff. Willow, Spike, and a shower.
Rating: The usual PG13, probably.

Wish Fulfillment (1/1)
Summary: Well, damn. I don't actually know. Rather plotless.
Rating: PG13? for mild sexual situations.

Angel & Willow & Spike
Northlight email:

Author: Northlight
Summary: Spike and Angel were always rather competitive. This time, it's Willow whose stuck between them -- the poor dear. However will she manage?
Rating: PG13? There's sex -- this is _me_, people -- you know it isn't all that explicit.

Strange Days
Summary: Willow and Spike and Angelus, oh my! Sillyfic/badfic.
Rating: Uh... PG13?


TwistedSister email:

Controlled Hunger NC-17

Summary: Willow plays with Spikes mind, then plays with Angel's eeerr umm,
then plays with both of them on Her terms <G>
