Heard of This Old House? How about
this old church. At times I walk by it and do a double take,
thinking it abandoned, but it is still very much in use, although
I imagine by a shoestring and threadbare congregation. Nonetheless,
the message given within doesn't need fancy finery to get where
it has to go. It was probably considered spartan and modernistically
functional in its design way back when, but as we cruise through
the Zeroes of a new century and millenium, it sure looks ancient
now. You have to really cruise the back streets of this city
to find wooden churches like this now. I doubt there are many.
Motorists headed for Aqueduct Racetrack are encouraged already
to get the @#$% off the Van Wyck and leave everyone else alone.
The directional dunning them 3 exits in advance of their natural
destination, the Belt Pkwy, suggests each of those three as possible
egress points. Why doesn't the Van Wyck like gamblers? |