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The following are the old news:

Jan 29 01- Sorry about the delay of the site's updates. A new poll is up, new comics, and new news :D . BTW a new javascript if you go on my front page. :)

Jan 25 01- Nothing to do much like usual. Had something planned to do today but it got screwed over. Stuck here infront of my computer now and doing what I do best... "await the arrival of...."

Jan 23 01- First day of our regents week off. Went to the library, borrowed some books for programming use.

Jan 21 01- Hello people. A new poll is up, and there's a new section i just added to this site called the Comics section. Go check it out :) I've also added some new jokes. Hrmm 1 more day of school and we're off for a week! AWESOME!

Jan 19 01- WooHoo!!! Finals are over, the first term will be over in couple of days ... life doesn't get better than this :D Sorry i haven't done much update to this site lately due to the time constraint i get from school, but since everything is over, expect new updates on this site more often. Sorry to those people that actually come here and check out my site.

Jan 15 01- Sigh, back to school tomorrow, and finals after tomorrow ... man this is just the best week yet! And again ... people START USING THE MESSAGE BOARD!!! Btw 3dfx is part of Nvidia now, for more info check my message board under general discussion.

Jan 14 01- I added new jokes to the jokes section, and a new poll for you guys to vote on. Hopefully you people will check out this site more often and START USING THE MESSAGE BOARD!!!! :D

Jan 12 01- Gosh can life be more joyful??? Finals period after period, thank god there'll be a 3 days weekend... but after that back to school and more finals :( Well, there'll be a new poll up by tomorrow night and there'll be updates throughout the site, come back and check them.

Jan 11 01- Hey people, I have a message board on my site because i want you guys to use it, don't be shy :). Post whatever stuff you want, anything you want to talk about, that's what the message board is for. There'll be a new poll by the end of this week and new updates throughout the site.

Jan 10 01- YAY MY SITE IS FINALLY COMPLETED!!!! Enjoy yourselves on my site, there'll be plenty of updates every week. Check back often.

Jan 9 01- Got my links section up and running, there'll be more new links in the near future once i find some good ones to put on. The calender is up also. There'll be new events added to the calender every month so please check it monthly. The message board is created, now you guys may post whatever you want to say on it, as long as is nice and no profanity.

Jan 8 01- My site is 60% completed after spending 6-7 hours a day. I am guessing by the end of this week, this site should be up and running. Faster than I expected.

Jan 6 01- Finally my website is completed. I know there are not alot of news right now in this site, but bare with me. Once this site is known to more people, i hope there'll be more stuff on this site than right now. Expect alot of updates and changes for this site in the near future.