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With Such Name As Nevermore

With Such Name As Nevermore

Check out my new fun message board! Keep an eye out for updates on local shows and other fun stuff. It's here for you so go crazy with it!! ~me~

'Bombing for Peace is like F***ing for Virginity.' (

Speak out against the war on Iraq, don't let our men die for a power-obsessed daddy's boy. Don't let economy come before human life. Do not let our government forget the meaning of a self-governed nation.

Tina the Troubled Teen

Welcome, this is your guide, Hojepa. I hope you find your time spent in my little world rather...interesting. :) Maybe amusing, maybe sad, and most certainly disturbing. But that's me. I've put some of my work on here, and I would like this to be a place for you to share yours too. Send any poems, short stories, lyrics, drawings, etc to, and I will put them on here. Just include your name (or whatever name you want to go by), email address (optional), your entry (obviously), and if you have any comments to go a long with your entry. If you have any questions just email me at the same address and I'll try to get back to you as soon as I can. Thank you to all who sent me poems and such, I can't wait to get more! Thanx again, ~Hojepa~

In Memory of Jacob W. Pete and Kyle J. Holmes. We'll never forget you guys.

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With Such Name as Nevermore and other pages you should check out ( haven't made a new links thing yet so it's all going on here for now)

Of the Moment...(Thoughts, etc...a make-shift message board)
Quotes and Such
Spiffy Pages: Some of my favorite sites, and a place to post your webpages...
With Such Name as Nevermore Art Gallery (has nothing in it at the moment but I'm working on getting it up soon)
Short Stories (without any short stories...:( so what does that tell ya guys???)
My James Bond Web Page (there is not much to it, it's still very much under construction...)
Games - pretty damn cheesy but hey, gave me somethin ta do
Crazy Fun Stuff - just some silly stuff for you to waste your time with...
My Edgar Allan Poe Page (Under Construction)
*NEW* Silly Pics: my picture page...muahahahahaha....
*NEW* With Such Name as Nevermore Email - get your own free email address from this site...tis fun!!:)
Katy's Page
Welcome to the Insanity - Lindsey's Page
The Official Goodmorning Reality Home Page
Dead End - an awesome local band....sigh:)
Jacob Pete Memorial Scholarship
*NEW* Message Board!!! (8/14/02)
