The days have passed by so slowly.Kylie was now out of the hospital,she was beyond happy,at the time she stayed with Dr.Smith's family they had given her a room to sleep in,and food.They where very kind to her.But Kylie didn't want to depend on them,she wanted to be independent.All throughout those days,Kylie's mind always wandered,drifted toward one person,Nick.She felt lonely again,she needed his company.She wanted to kiss him passionatly,make love to him.Okay so maybe not that far,but oh well.

"Kylie,it's me Mike,my father wants to talk to you in the study",informed Mike.

Kylie stood up from the bed and fixed her hair up a bit it was growing back very slowly,her eyes where happy and not dull anymore,her body was beginning to look like it once did,and she ate healthy.

Kylie walked down the stairs and into Carl's (Dr.Smith) study.

"Yes Carl what do you need from me ?",asked Kylie.

"Help with Nick,remember him ?",asked Carl.

Kylie nodded and asked,"Why do you need help from me ?"

"Kylie,his best friend Mr.Litterrel called me up an hour ago and he says that Nick isn't looking very well ever since the day you saw him,he's been locked up in his mansion,not caring for anything or anyone,all he does is cry and cry about you,he needs your forgiveness to get back on track",said Carl.

"I..I Carl I can't do that,he hurt me,I can't forgive him or feign forgiveness,it'll bring back all the cold,harsh,words he said to me that day",cried Kylie.

Carl stood up from the black leather swivel chair and gave Kylie a comforting hug and murmured into her ear,"Kylie,please if not for him,do it for me and his friends I know you don't know them but they need him to stay healthy,he needs you and I know you need him,don't think I don't see your distance and the way your eyes wander,when I talk,or Marlene (his wife) talk to you"

Kylie pulled away from him and smiled,"Oh alright Carl whats the address and I have to borrow your car because I don't have one"

"Here are the keys and heres the address and good luck sweety",said Carl grinning.

Thirty minutes later,Kylie was parked in his long drive way contemplating on whether going inside or just go back home,she was freaked.

"Go inside you freak ! he needs you as much as you need him!",screamed her mind.

Kylie got out of the car and brushed away the small wisps of hair from her eyes,she ran her hand thru her hair nervously,she looked down at her outfit,she wore a pair of old worn out jeans with two holes on them each one on each knee,and a tight mid-driff showing turqouise short sleeved shirt,she walked to the door,and ran the doorbell.

No one yelled,she reached down at the knob and twisted it,thankfully it was opened,she walked into his home and gasped such beauty,the home reminded her of hers,with a beautiful long stair cases (people think clueless here !).

Kylie didn't know what room to go search for him,she just stood their dumbfounded and staring at a beautiful portrait of a young womans face,the woman was indeed very beautiful,breathtaking green eyes and hair jet black,which brought out her jade green eyes.

Kylie walked up the stairs quietly,she didn't know which way to turn right or left.

"Left",murmured Kylie.

She saw a half opened door,she could hear a soft melody playing on the piano,she opened the door softly not to interrupt his thoughts.Her eyes landed on the leather couch where he laid,his eyes closed,dark circles under his eyes,her eyes scanned down to the floor and she let out a small disgusted sigh.There lay on the ground two or three bottles of vodka.

Kylie walked over to him and kneeled down she pushed away the bottles and touched his hand,his eyes popped open,he looked down at her.

"Kylie,why are you here ?",asked Nick confused.

Kylie didn't know to answer that question she couldn't tell him what Carl had said,or else she'd be found dead in some garbage can.She decided on telling him the truth,not lies,she wanted to see him also.

"I came because,uh I wanted to see how you where",lied Kylie.

Okay so she couldn't tell him but that little lie probably worked..or maybe not.

"You're lying Kylie,just go okay,you made it clear to me that day that you where never going to forgive me,and you know what Kylie,I don't care anymore that you won't forgive and forget what I said,I've been beating myself for what I said,and look at me I look like a piece of shit !",screamed Nick frustrated.

Kylie stood up from the ground and glared at him and said calmly,"Okay Nick you want to know why I came here because one of your fucking friends called Carl,and Carl pratically begged me to come and see you and I said yes,boy was I stupid to come and see you,you're nothing but a piece of shit,stupid asshole,making me fall in love with you !",babbled Kylie.

"Did she just say that I'm making her fall in love with me,Nickolas Gene Carter you got some hearing problems going on here",thought Nick.

Nick couldn't take it anymore he stood up from the couch and chucked slightly,he stopped when Kylie shot him a death glare and she kept on babbling.Nick grabbed her face and pulled her into a deep kiss,emotions boiled in Kylie's body,she kissed him back,both of their eyes closed,tears running down each others cheeks,rubbing on each others skin.
