Nick drove home like an insane maniac,he was mad at her,why did she have to be like that to him all he ever wanted of her was to be her friend..nothing more.

| Next Day |

Kylie was back in Dr.Smith's office,just the day before she was happy and nothing could have bring her down from that feeling,but Nick just had to say those cold words to her,he made her feel like she was a rotted old tree.Dying inside.Dr.Smith noticed that she wasn't paying much attention to what he was saying to her so he stopped his babbling.

"Kylie,may you tell me whats in the heck is wrong with you ?",asked Dr.Smith annoyed.

"Nothing",said Kylie flatly.

"Whatever you say,whatever you say",sighed Dr.Smith.

After ten more minutes Kylie was wheeled back to her room she found a small note on her bed with a red rose attached to it.Nurse.Jackson helped her onto the bed and then left with a smug cold look on her face.

Kylie opened the small note and read it outloud to herself.

Dear Kylie,

I'm sorry for being such an ass yesterday I just went off on you,can you find a way in that heart of yours to forgive me ? please,you know what Kylie I have never done this before you are like the first person I have ever written an apology to,I'm usally a stubborn lump of male,those words sound familiar to you.Anywho,I am sorry I didn't mean anything I said yesterday.


Kylie ripped the note in half,she didn't want his apology he told her he meant every word he said,so why should that been any different,she grabbed the rose and threw it into the trash can that was nearby her bed,she sighed,she wasn't used to this at all.Tears fell down her eyes.Why was she crying ? She wiped away the tears furiously.

"You'll see I'm going to get out of this cancer some how,some way,I don't need you at all !",screamed Kylie.


Alright sorry I know this a short chapter from the rest.