He felt Kylie let out a small surprised gasp beneath his lips.

"What the heck am I doing ?",thought Kylie.

Kylie pushed him off of her,and he shot her a hurt,confused look.

"Don't okay,I don't want your kisses or anybody elses,I have to go now,Nick bye",said Kylie,running out of the room and house.

Nick walked out of the room and ran down the stairs as fast as he could,he wanted and needed an explanation towards that,kiss.He felt stirring emotions inside of him for her.But he was to late when he reached outside Kylie was already out of sight.Nick sighed a depressed,aggravated sigh and slammed the door.

He looked up at the painting of Mary,and screamed furiously,"Why did you leave ME ! I need you so much Mary,you don't know how much I need you right now,I need your love,your support,your friendship and most of all I need you with me,alive,and not dead !"

Nick fell down on his knees and crawled into a ball in the cold marbled floor,he fingered slightly the patterns on the floor,and let the tears cascade his eyes,he let them fall down onto the floor,and closed his eyes,he brought up his fingers upto his lips and touched them.Kylie's warmth still lingered on his lips.

Kylie swerved into the Smith's driveway and took out the keys out of the engine and put her head down onto the steering wheel.She closed her eyes,and reminisced about the kiss.Kylie looked up and wiped away the tears from her eyes,and locked the car.She walked inside and put the keys onto the coffee table and walked quietly walked upstairs,not to get someone's attention.But to late,Marlene saw her and stopped her and told her to follow her outside.Kylie,did as told and followed Marlene's footsteps outside.

"Hunny,tell me whats wrong with you,I care for you as a daughter of mine,since I have always wanted one,you can tell me anything,is this about that fine Nick Carter",smiled warmly Marlene.

"What makes you think this is about Nick ?",spat out Kylie angrily.

"Hun,I know because you my dear have been quite sad and seem lonely once again,and Carl told me how Nick made you feel some what happy again",said Marlene knowingly.

"Okay it's about Nick",surrendered Kylie.

"Tell me what happened sweety,you tell me I am not going to tell a soul,I promise",promised Marlene.

Kylie nodded and began telling her,what happened at the end.Kylie saw Marlene grinning like a chesire cat,non stop grinning.

"What are you grinning about ?",asked Kylie confused.

"You my dear Kylie are in love",smiled Marlene.

After a few seconds Marlene noticed how pale white Kylie had gotten.

"Whats wrong ?",asked Marlene concerned.

"N-nothing,I'm going to bed now,and thanks for talking with me",gulped Kylie.

Marlene let her go and stood up still smiling.
