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~*~Lance's Bio~*~

Full Name: James Lance Bass

Goes by: Lance

Birthdate: May 4, 1979

Astological sign: Taurus

Time of birth: 1:20 pm

Birthplace: Laurel,Mississippi

Present Residence: Everywhere, but he's got his own new house in Clinton, MS

Sign: Taurus

Nicknames: Lansten, Scoop, Pooper Scooper (because according to Joey, "He knows all the crap"), PooFoo, Shy Guy, Mr. Cool, and Stealth (because he watches a girl before hitting on her and then goes for it)

Eyes: VERY green with yellow in the middle (ahhh)

Hair: Light Brown with bleached tips

Shampoo: Selsun Blue and Pantene Pro V

Height: 5'11

Weight: 155 lbs

Shoe Size: 11

Jean Size: 32w 32l

Likes to wear: Peresuco (designer)

1) *He has the outline of the "*Nsync flame" on his ankle which he got in Toronto, Ontario, Canada when *Nsync first went platinum. All the other guys in the group got one also except JC because he's afraid of needles.
2) A new tattoo of a Chinese symbol that he got on New Years (also on his ankle)

Family: Mom:Diane, Dad:Jim, Sister:Stacy & Brother-in-law:Ford Lofton

Nationality: English and Indian

Religion: Baptist

Pets: he has a ferret named Dirk (he's told some people that it's name is Abdula, but he decided on Dirk) and two Chinchillas named Squirtle and Frodo

Goals: Learning about music management and starting a family (aww...)

Dream Car:Toyota 4 Runner (which I heard he bought)

Collects: Tazmanian Devil stuff and Dr. Seuss artwork

Pet Peeve: He hates it when he's trying to talk and no one listens

First job: Dressed as a dog named Poo-Fu, he read to kids

First kiss: Kindergarten-Bethany Dukes / the 'other' first kiss that he talks about was when he was playing spin the bottle

First date: Dancing with friends, he met a girl there.

First concert: Reba McEntire

First album he owned: Whitesnake

First Pet: A Cocker Spaniel named Goldie when he was in first grade

School Status: Is a tutored Sophomore in college and is majoring in Business Management at the University of Nebraska

Afraid of: Things that Buzz and Flying

Bad Habit: bites his nails and spits out the bits, he's messy, doesn't clean his room, sleep walks, "I say 'um' a lot", and biting his bottom lip

Other Facts:

*Mr. Bass was recently named one of the 25 under 25 for Teen People Magazine. He was in it with JC and Justin. My only problem with this...why wasn't Joey featured too? Last time I checked he was under 25 right. So what's up with that?

*He made his acting debut on 7th Heaven in January 2000

*Lance is allergic to Yellow Jackets

*He has a slight heart murmur, but nothing fatal :)

*During school, when he wanted to become an astronaut, he took the preliminary entrance exam to NASA, which he PASSED (go Lance!)

*Lance was elected Student Council president, but had to step down for the sake of *Nsync

*Lance supposedly can do a really funny imitation of a squirrel eating a nut, wonder why he doesn't do it on tv :)

*Lance was on "Who Wants to Be a Millionare" on May 4,2000 and won 125,000 dollars for *Nsync's charity, Challenge for the Children. He had a fastest finger round of 5.55 seconds. Go Lance!

*Lance owns his own music managment company called FreeLance Entertainment and is managing two country acts

*Lance's cell phone bill is over $400 a month because he calls his family everyday (awww...)

*JC and Lance say they have the worst tempers

*He loves flannal sheets

*Lance wore braces for 3 years

*Sometimes flares his nostrils without realizing it

*He hates his hair cause it's so thick that he can't style it it

*He also doesn't like to look at himself in the mirror so he only spends about 2 minutes getting ready

*He plays the keyboard/piano

*Has an innie bellybutton

*Lance loves horseback riding and used to go riding with his church camp all the time in Mississippi.

*He was always stuck with a horse named Toby because no one liked him cause he was all wild and no one could control him but Lance.

*Toby died of old age a couple of years ago :(

*Lance went to Clinton High School in Mississippi and is currently enrolled in the University of Nebraska

*He cannot play basketball well.(At least he tries :)

*He said that the tour bus rocks him to sleep

*He's the most laid back and lazy of the group

*He hates mushrooms

*He never cleans his room

*His sister, Stacy, called him "Little Doll" when he was born

*Lance fought a bull on vacation once, and he actually got run over by him. He wasn't hurt...really

*He hates his adam's apple because he thinks that it's too big

*A few years ago, one of Lance's closest friends killed herself by accident. She and her boyfriend broke-up, and she was devastated. So, she thought she would get even with him, by scaring him, by pretending to kill herself. But, when she put the gun up to her stomach, it went off. And Lance was in the room with her when it happened.

*Lance's secret ambition is to own a ranch with horses someday so that his kids can experience the same things he did when he was growing up (how sweet is that?)

*Ever notice the scar over his left eye? When he was little, he pretended that he was an american gladiator with his friend and he got whacked in the head with a broom. He had to get about seven stiches. (It's very light and I'm sure he covers it up some in pictures)

*He'll only eat pepperoni and cheese on his pizza

*He was named "Most Friendliest" in his highschool class. He HAD to make friends with everyone

*Lance relieves his stress by playing computer and video games

*He thinks the sexiest part of a woman's body is her stomach

*He is a finicky sleeper. Our Lance can't sleep unless there is complete darkness in the room. Even the numbers on an alarm clock bother him.

*He also has to sleep on his side with one leg in and one leg outside of the blanket

*Lance had a girlfriend, Danielle Fishel from Boy Meets World, for about nine months, but they broke up in May of 99'

*Ever notice a gold and diamond ring on Lance's finger in almost all of his pics? Lance bought that ring in June/July of 1998 when *NSYNC went Platinum in the US and Double platinum in Canada

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