Chapter Six

" What would you like to order ? ", The young man asked.

" Um pepporoni pizza and a cheese pizza, medium size ", Jordan said.

Nick looked at her wide eyed no way can she order that much pizza, my type of gal.

" Right away ", The man said and went over to the kitchen.

" You think we'll finish all that ? ", Nick asked her in pure disbelief.

" Oh I don't know about you but I know I can ", Jordan said picking on her napkin.

" Is that napkin interesting or something ? ", Nick asked smiling.

" Yeah it's awesome, see lookie I made circles and trinagles and oh yeah squares ", Jordan said with pure sarcasm,shoving the napkin at him.

" Yeah I see 'em ", Nick said carefully.

" You must think I am completly insane ? ", Jordan asked.

" Nah..I just think you are completly gorgeus ", Nick answered, caressing her cheek with his thumb.

Jordan turned into a deep shade of red, Nick laughed at her shyness.

" No one has ever said that to me ", Jordan said quietly.

Nick looked at her in shock.

" No one ? ", Nick asked in disbelief.

" No one ", Jordan answered flatly.

" Thanks ". Jordan said.

" Oh don't mention it, but you are beautiful ", Nick said.

" Here is your pizza ", The man said placing the medium sized trays onto their table.

Jordan grabbed a pepporoni slice and munched away she was starving she hadn't eaten since the day before.

" Hungry much ? ", Nick asked chuckling.

" Famished ", Jordan replied munching on her second slice.

They both finished the two trays of pizza they stood up and left the tip for the man and walked out of the restaurant. Nick looked down at his watch and sighed sadly.

" Damn, it's 2:30 a.m. time to go ", Nick said.

" Gotta catch a cab then ", Jordan said.

They both called one and ten minutes later they where sitting inside the yellow car.

" So which one of you is goin' home first ? ",The driver asked chewing disgustingly on a piece of gum.

" Uh, her ", Nick said.

" Alright ", The driver said as he sped off.

Jordan told the man her directions and he finally arrived.

" You can stay ya know I'll drop you off tomorrow ", Jordan said.

" As tempting as that sounds I can't but I'll call ya ", Nick said.

" You need my number for that don't you ", Jordan teased.

" Yeah ", Nick said as she scribbled down her number on a piece of white paper.

" There, call me whenever you want, BYE ! ", Jordan said.

Nick gave her a small peck on her soft lips, Jordan closed the door and sauntered over to the entrance of the building the taxi disappeared into the night.

Chapter Seven