Chapter Four

After dancing to a couple of slow songs and some songs that made you grind to the music, they where now sitting on the third level of the club standing agaisn't the rail cluthching onto their drinks and chatting away. Jordan had seen Ananda grinding to the music with a very nice looking African American perfect for her , so Jordan thought.

" So you want to go somewhere else less noisy and less crowded ? ", Nick asked hoping her answer would be a yes he was getting claustrophobic with all these people around him he needed some air to breath or else he would just start yelling at anybody he didn't know.

" Thought you would never ask ", Jordan said.

They walked threw the large groups of people drinking and dancing and some even having sex on secluded booths. Jordan and Nick both laughed when they heard a man yell " HARDER BABY !".

" Geez I would have never thought someone would have sex in a club with millions of people standing right infront of them ", Jordan said chuckling. " Me neither that just ain't my thang of having sex at some club ", Nick said looking down at her.

" Maybe we should tell the people we came with that we won't be going with them ", Jordan said.

" Thats a good idea ",Nick said.

" Ah ! theirs Aj ! ", Nick said pointing to a latin mail with tattoos all over his arms.

" I'll be right back ", Nick whispered in her ear,that sent chills up and down her spine.

Jordan simply nodded and started looking for Andrew or Jason, she spotted Andrew talking to some women.Nick came back and whispered " Ready ? ".

" Hold on I just saw one of my friends I gotta tell him or else he will go ballistic whenever he see's me ", Jordan said.

" K ", Nick said, as Jordan walked over to the man he saw her whisper in his ear and he nodded. Jordan returned back over to Nick.

" Alrights lets hit the road ", Jordan said. They both linked hands and walked out of the dark club.

Chapter Five