Chapter Eighteen

As the hours flew by.Jordan laid awake on her bed,while the other slept away because of there hangover,cos of the previous night.The bell rang,Jordan lazily got out off her bed and walked over to the door and opened it.Nick stood there wearing a pair of khakis,lugz boots and a plaid button down shirt,underneath the shirt was a tight wife beater.In his hand he held a singer white rose.

Jordan yawned and opened the door wider so he could step inside.

"I thought I told you I was gonna pick you up later",laughed Nick.

Jordan smacked her head.

"I forgot,so you gonna give me the rose or what and you look sexy",grinned Jordan.

Nick blushed and handed her the single rose,he pushed her to her room and locked the door behind him.

"Take a shower,and I'll pick out your clothes",ordered Nick.

"Care to join me ?",joked Jordan.


Jordan nodded and she walked into her bathroom and stripped out of her clothes.Nick searched her closet and his fingers finally landed on a tight white tube dress,he bent down and picked up a pair of white doc marten sandals,and opened her drawers.

"Nice taste she has for underwear",said Nick.

He grabbed a pair of white silk thongs and a strapless bra and threw it on her bed where the dress and sandals where.Jordan came out of her bathroom,holding the towel tightly around her body.

"Go to the bathroom so I can change"

Nick nodded and went into the bathroom and slammed the door.

"Nick I am not wearing this hoochie dress !",yelled Jordan.

Nick opened the door and peeked,Jordan was now in her underwear holding the dress like it was a weird space ofbject.

"Just put it on,trust me you are gonna look GOOD"

"Whatever you say",muttered Jordan.She slipped the dress on and slipped on her sandals,she opened the bathroom door and walked over to the sink,underneath there was a small drawer,she opened it and took out her brush,and her crimper.

Nick put his long arms around her waist,and whispered huskily into her ear,"You looked so sexy just wearing that thong and your bra"

Jordan turned red,she turned around and slapped him playfully,"You peeked !"

"Yep I peeked and I am so proud of myself",joked Nick.

"Well guess what thats the only way you're actually gonna see me"

"Right,just wait a month more and you'll be mine and I'll be yours"

"You're so full of yourself"

Jordan turned back around and plugged in the crimper,and began crimping only a few sections on her hair,she finished and looked at her reflection.Nick was sitting on her bed,flipping channels.

"You done yet !",yelled Nick.He was very impatient when it came to waiting.

"Hold on I gotta brush my teeth !"

Nick nodded and closed his eyes.He mumbled a cuss word under his breath.

"I'm ready"

Nick opened his eyes and smiled at her.

"See I told you,you where gonna look GOOD !"

"I always look good"

"Yeah you do",said Nick truthfully.


They walked out of the apartment hand in hand,waiting for the nights schedule for them.Nick still hadn't told her where he was taking her.

Chapter Nineteen