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Basic Courses
Primary Concepts
Fund. Knowledge
Imperial System

Core Courses
Chain of Command
Imperial System 2
Mission Operations
Survival Skills

Primary Concepts
Fund. Knowledge
Imperial System
Chain of Command
Imperial System 2
Mission Operations
Survival Skills

Normal Graduates
Academic Geniuses

Other Facilities
Dark Forces MUD
Imperial HoloSite
Cmdr's Academy
Imperial Roster

Academy Staff
Assistant TBA
Assistant TBA

© 1999-2000 Dark Forces MUD.

Greetings, student:

Welcome to the Flight Academy.

The Flight Academy is designed to instruct new recruits on how to play Dark Forces MUD, and how to understand the Imperial system. To start, you must read a course, then study and commit them to memory.

When ready, you can take the corresponding examination. You must select one of the three Basic Courses first. A 75% or better is a pass. For each basic course passed, you will advance one rank up. There is no specific order that you can take an exam (but cannot take any other non-basic courses, if all three Basic courses aren't passed yet). If you fail an exam, you must restudy it, and retry within a week, or at the discretion of the Academy Director.

Once all three basic courses are passed, you must proceed to the Core Courses. When three out of four course examinations are passed (in any order, with at least 75%), you will graduate from the Flight Academy as a Chief Petty Officer with an Officer's Degree.

Basic Courses [must pass all 3]:
Primary Concepts [pc]
Fundamental Knowledge [fk]
Imperial System [is]

Core Courses [must pass 3/4]:
Chain of Command [cc]
Imperial System 2 [ii]
Mission Operations [mo]
Survival Skills [ss]

Let us review the steps once again:

1. Study a Basic Course.
2. Take its corresponding examination.
3. Wait for exam to be graded. If pass, repeat steps 1 and 2, until all three Basic Courses are finished. Continue to step 4. If fail, restudy and wait a week to take again.
4. Study a Core Course.
5. Take its corresponding examination.
6. Wait for exam to be graded. If pass, repeat steps 1 and 2, until three out of four Core Courses are finished. If fail, restudy and wait a week to take again.
7. Wait for graduation notice.

 The Academy Director