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Long Island Expwy looking east Towards Easthampton Blvd.
Photo Gallery: LIE

 A view of the LIE , through the safety fence of the Cloverdale Blvd. walkbridge. We're looking east towards the Easthampton Blvd. overpass, which precedes the sprawling Cross Island interchange.
Motorists heading for the southbound Cross Island, have to exit at Easthampton and get on the CIP from West Alley Road. Even George Washington had to do this once. A rock, with a plaque marking the occassion, sits on the side of West Alley, just before the CIP entrance, commemorating Washington's visit there.
UPDATE 6/2001: As seen on preceeding and following pages, big changes are overtaking this section. The rest of this page is vintage summer 1997.

© 1997, Jeff Saltzman.