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![]() “The LORD is the “What our fathers
WILLIAM BRADFORD AND HIS FAMILY IN THE PILGRIM HALL WEBSITE: William Bradford in 17th Century Documents William Bradford’s Will and Inventory Life of William Bradford The Visit of Father Gabriel Druillettes, 1650 Of Plymouth Plantation: Alice Carpenter Southworth Bradford Alice Bradford in 17th Century Documents Alice Bradford’s Will and Inventory WILLIAM BRADFORD AND HIS FAMILY IN THE MAYFLOWER HISTORY WEBSITE: WILLIAM BRADFORD IN THE SAIL 1620 WEBSITE: Purloined, Found and Recovered: Pilgrims and Wampanoag: WILLIAM BRADFORD AND HIS FAMILY IN THE PLIMOTH-PATUXET WEBSITE: A Genealogical Profile of William Bradford A Genealogical Profile of Constant Southworth A Genealogical Profile of Thomas Southworth WILLIAM BRADFORD IN THE PLYMOUTH COLONY ARCHIVE PROJECT WEBSITE: A New Insight into the Bradford’s 1620 Sketch of Plymouth WILLIAM BRADFORD’S ORIGINS IN THE PILGRIM FATHERS WEBSITE: The Saviour of Austerfield Manor House The Restoration of Austerfield’s St. Helena Church TOPICAL STUDIES ON THE CAREER AND INFLUENCE OF WILLIAM BRADFORD: Beyond Bradford’s Journal: Bradford and Winthrop: Bradford’s Two Histories: Of Plimmoth Plantation as a Literary Work Governor William Bradford’s Relationship with Antiquity The “Log of The Mayflower”: Memory and Desire Governor William Bradford’s Relationship with Antiquity The Ancient Estate of Governor William Bradford WILLIAM BRADFORD AND THE PILGRIMS ON VIDEO: Excerpt from Desperate Crossing: Excerpt from Desperate Crossing: The Pilgrims (PBS) [second site] The Story of the Pilgrims and the Mayflower Journey into the Unknown: Journey into the Unknown: In Search of Governor William Bradford Rebel Separatist Drama: Talk of the Town: William Bradford, Writings of William Bradford (C-SPAN) William Bradford and Plymouth: The Mayflower: 400th Anniversary Special Pilgrim 400 The Mayflower Pilgrims William Bradford In Search of William Bradford English Separatists, Exile, and the Plymouth Colony The Mayflower: A London-Leiden Adventure Virtual tour of St Helena’s Church, Austerfield The Thanksgiving Lectures Dispossession: “He was indeed a person of a well-tempered spirit, or else it had been scarce possible for him to have kept the affairs of Plymouth in so good a temper for thirty-seven years together... The leader of a people in a wilderness had need be a Moses; and if a Moses had not led the people of Plymouth Colony, when this worthy person was their governour, the people had never with so much unanimity and importunity still called him to lead them. ... He was a person for study as well as action; and hence...he attained unto a notable skill in languages...; but the Hebrew he most of all studied, ‘Because,’ he said, ‘he would see with his own eyes the ancient oracles of God in their native beauty.’ He was also well skilled in History, in Antiquity, and in Philosophy; and for Theology he became so versed in it, that he was an irrefragable disputant against the errors...which with trouble he saw rising in his colony... But the crown of all was his holy, prayerful, watchful, and fruitful walk with God, wherein he was very exemplary.” – Cotton Mather “Talented and indefatigable, passionately devoted to the welfare of New Plimoth, Bradford was unquestionably the greatest of the Pilgrims, [and] one of the greatest figures of seventeenth-century New England – indeed of our whole colonial period.” – George F. Willison |
![]() A Honoring the Life and Legacy of A Passenger on the Mayflower in 1620 Governor and Historian of Plymouth Colony
![]() “...he died, May 9,
WILLIAM BRADFORD’S WRITINGS: Transcription of the Mayflower Compact The Names of Those Which Came Over First, Bradford’s Manuscript “Of Plimoth Plantation” History of the Plimoth Plantation History “of Plimoth Plantation” History of Plymouth Plantation History of the Plymouth Settlement History of the Plymouth Settlement History of Plymouth Plantation, Volume 1 History of Plymouth Plantation, Volume 2 First Dialogue Mourt’s Relation WILLIAM BRADFORD BIOGRAPHY William Bradford William Bradford William Bradford of Plymouth Governor William Bradford and his Son Descendants of Governor William Bradford William Bradford The Life and Legacy of William Bradford Occupants in Governor Bradford’s Household The Story of William Bradford Tragic Story of the Woman who Fell from the Mayflower Major William Bradford’s Second Wife: Governor William Bradford Compact ADDITIONAL LINKS: William Bradford Gravestone - William Bradford Statue - Grave of Governor William Bradford William Bradford (Encyclopædia Britannica) William Bradford (Encyclopedia) 1623: Governor William Bradford woos The Pilgrim Fathers: Their Church and Colony The Pilgrim Fathers of New England The Mayflower Pilgrims The England and Holland of the Pilgrims The Pilgrim Republic The Story of the Pilgrim Fathers, 1606-1623 The Seven Articles of the Church of Leyden Works of John Robinson, Vol. I Works of John Robinson, Vol. II Works of John Robinson, Vol. III John Robinson, Pastor of the Pilgrim Fathers Plymouth Colony Archive Project Leiden American Pilgrim Museum From my years young in days of youth, – William Bradford |
Descent from Alexander Carpenter
Ancestors who Lived in Plymouth Colony (1620-1691)
Web Pages Maintained by David Jay Webber