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...in the presence of God and of all Christendom among both our contemporaries and
our posterity, we wish to have testified that the present explanation..., and none
other, is our teaching, belief, and confession in which by Gods grace we shall
appear with intrepid hearts before the judgment seat of Jesus Christ and for which
we shall give an account. (FC SD XII:40, Tappert)
And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:18-20, NKJV)
Now they who received his word were baptized, and ... they continued steadfastly in the teaching of the apostles and in the communion of the breaking of the bread and in the prayers. (Acts 2:41-42, Confraternity)
But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3:14-17, NKJV)
Thus it is written, and thus it was necessary for the Christ to suffer and to rise from the dead the third day, and that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name to all nations... (Luke 24:46-47, NKJV)
...sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence... (1 Peter 3:15, NASB)
Hello! Thank you for visiting my Lutheran Theology Web Page. I am an ordained Lutheran minister, affiliated with the Evangelical Lutheran Synod. I established this site while I was serving (from 1997 to 2005) as the Rector of Saint Sophia Ukrainian Lutheran Theological Seminary in Ternopil, Ukraine. At the present time I am the Pastor of Bethany Evangelical Lutheran Church in Princeton, Minnesota.
The purpose of this page is to promote, extend, and defend the theology of Confessional Lutheranism, as reflected especially in the Symbolical Books of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. I am persuaded that this theology is thoroughly apostolic, catholic, orthodox, and evangelical in the truest and deepest sense of those terms.
I do not agree with every opinion or idea that is expressed in every essay or document that can be found on or through this web page. I do believe, however, that all of them make valuable and worthwhile contributions toward the sites purpose, and for this reason I have included them here.
If you would like to share any thoughts about this web page with me, or if you would like to contact me for any other reason, I would love to hear from you. Reports of broken or misdirected links, and suggestions for additions and improvements, are especially welcome.
An earlier version of this web page, with more links, can be found here. Note, however, that this older version is no longer maintained or updated, and many of the links on that page no longer work.
Martin Luther (author of the Small Catechism, the Large Catechism, and the Smalcald Articles) and Philip Melanchthon
(author of the Augsburg Confession, the Apology of the Augsburg Confession, and the Treatise on the Power and
Primacy of the Pope)
Revelation, Scripture, and Authority
The Lutheran Confessions
God and Creation
Grace and Election
The Person and Work of Christ
The Law and the Gospel
Holy Baptism
The Sacrament of the Altar
Justification and Sanctification
The Ministry and the Church
The Liturgy and Worship
Church Fellowship
Evangelism and Missions
The Christian and Society
Death and Resurrection
Multi-Topical and Miscellaneous
The Text of Holy Scripture
Recommended Lutheran Sites
Lutheran Sites with Useful Information
Non-Lutheran Sites with Useful Information
Predominantly Non-English Lutheran Sites
Predominantly Non-English Non-Lutheran Sites with Useful Information
on-site resource
off-site link
Revelation, Scripture, and Authority
The Doctrine of Holy Scripture in the Lutheran Confessions
The Holy Scriptures: Like Christ, Divine and Human
Moses and the Book of Genesis: Inspired Author, or Inspired Compiler and Editor?
New Discoveries in Babylonia about Genesis (P. J. Wiseman) [PDF]
The Ancient Fathers on Sola Scriptura
Saint Ambrose on the Authority of Holy Scripture
A Defense of Sola Scriptura (James E. Kiefer)
Charismatic Phenomena and the Lutheran Confessions
Prophecies of the Reformation? (Frederick George Smith)
Scripture and Tradition in the Lutheran Confessions (Holsten Fagerberg)
Inspiration of the Scriptures and Question in Apologetics (C. H. Little)
The Witness of History for Scripture (Homologoumena and Antilegomena) (Francis A. O. Pieper)
Luther: Word, Doctrine, and Confession (Robert D. Preus)
Luther and Biblical Infallibility (Robert D. Preus) [PDF]
Lessons From Luther on the Inerrancy of Holy Writ (John Warwick Montgomery)
On the Verbal Inspiration of Scripture (Hannu Lehtonen)
The English Bible (August O. W. Pieper)
The Authority of Scripture, of Tradition, and of the Church (Philip Melanchthon) [PDF]
Luther and the Scriptures (J. Michael Reu) [PDF]
The Lutheran Confessions
Concordia: Christliche, widerholete, einmütige Bekentnüs (1580)
The Christian Book of Concord (Henkel, 1851 edition)
The Christian Book of Concord (Henkel, 1854 edition)
The Book of Concord (Jacobs, 1911 edition)
The Book of Concord (Triglotta)
Concordia Triglotta
The Book of Concord of 1580
The Book of Concord: The Lutheran Confessions of 1529-1580
A Plea for the Augsburg Confession (William Julius Mann)
An Explanation of Luthers Small Catechism - 1935 edition (Joseph Stump)
An Explanation of Luthers Small Catechism - 1935 edition (Joseph Stump) [PDF]
Explanation of Doctor Martin Luthers Small Catechism (Augustana Synod)
An Explanation of The Small Catechism - 1991 edition (LCMS) [PDF]
An Explanation of The Small Catechism - 1991 edition (LCMS)
A Short Exposition of Dr. Martin Luthers Small Catechism - 1912 edition (Missouri Synod)
Explanation of Luthers Small Catechism (Harold Ulrik Sverdrup)
Explanation of Martin Luther’s Small Catechism (Erick Pontoppidan) [PDF]
Project Wittenberg
The Catholic Faith of the Lutheran Church
The Ecumenical Councils and the Lutheran Confessions
The Eastern Church in the Lutheran Confessions
The Nicene Creed and the Filioque: A Lutheran Approach
Are the Lutheran Confessions a Practical Document Today?
Confessing the Faith in the Language of America
The Catalogue of Testimonies: The Religion Behind It; the Reasons For It; the Relevance Of It [PDF]
The American Recension of the Augsburg Confession and its Lessons for Our Pastors Today [PDF]
Hermeneutics and the Confessions (Benjamin J. Tomczak) [PDF]
Biblical Authority in the Lutheran Confessions (Robert D. Preus) [PDF]
The Hermeneutics of the Lutheran Confessions and the Historical-Critical Method (Robert D. Preus) [PDF]
Confessional Subscription (Robert D. Preus) [PDF]
FC X and the Confession of the Gospel (William Weedon)
The Confessional History of the Lutheran Church (James William Richard)
The Confessional Principle and the Confessions of the Lutheran Church (Theodore Emanuel Schmauk)
Martin Luthers Writings
David Chytraeus, Andreas Musculus, Nicolaus Selnecker, Martin Chemnitz,
Jacob Andreae, and Christoph Koerner (authors of the Formula of Concord)
God and Creation
Saint Ambrose on the Procession of the Holy Spirit
Adam, Eve, and Seth: Image of the Trinity? - Quotations from St. Gregory of Nazianzus
The Father as “the Source of the Godhead” and the Eternal Procession of the Holy Spirit
Augustine and the Two Gregories on the Origin of the Holy Spirit (Kallistos Ware)
Is God In Hell?
The Goodness of Creation and the Natural Knowledge of the Goodness of God in Selnecker, Chytraeus and Chemnitz (Philip Secker) [PDF]
Luther and Science (Donald H. Kobe)
Luther on Evolution (Paul A. Bartz)
Theses on Woman Suffrage in the Church (Douglas Judisch)
The Devil’s Fraud, Lies, and Deception (Martin Luther)
Bugenhagen, Luther, and Chemnitz on Demonic Possession and Exorcism [PDF]
Quotes from Lutheran Pastoral Handbooks on the Topic of Demon Possession
Demon Possession and Exorcism in Lutheran Orthodoxy [PDF]
The House Swept Clean: ... Diagnosis, Exorcism, and Pastoral Care of the Victims of Demonic Possession (Darrell Arthur McCulley)
The Sword & The Mask: Toward a Confessional Lutheran Account of Spiritual Warfare (Jon Furgeson)
Are Ghosts “Real”? (John Warwick Montgomery) [PDF]
Theologia or The doctrine of God (Revere Franklin Weidner)
Grace and Election
An Accounting to the Congregations of the Norwegian Synod (Ulrik Vilhelm Koren)
Why Are Some Saved and Others Lost?
Predestination / Election (Georg Stoeckhardt) [PDF]
Conversion and Election (Franz Pieper)
...Jesus Christ, our God and Lord, was put to death for our
trespasses and raised again for our justification (Rom. 4:25).
He alone is the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the
world (John 1:29). God has laid upon him the iniquities
of us all (Isa. 53:6). Moreover, all have sinned, and
they are justified by his grace as a gift, through the
redemption which is in Christ Jesus, by his blood
(Rom. 3:23-25). (SA II I:1-2, Tappert)
The Person and Work of Christ
A Commentary on the Words of Acts 3: “Christ must receive heaven” (Nikolaus Selnecker) [PDF]
Divine Wrath and the Suffering of Christ: Quotations From Selected Fathers and Theologians of the Eastern Church
Martin Luther on Clauso Utero and Semper Virgo
Saint Michael and All Angels [PDF]
The Law and the Gospel
The Proper Distinction between Law and Gospel (C. F. W. Walther) [PDF]
Is Absolution to be Spoken Categorically or Hypothetically? (C. F. W. Walther) [PDF]
Saint Ambrose on Law and Gospel
Ambrose on Original Sin [PDF]
Chemnitz on Mortal & Venial Sin
It is taught among us that Baptism is necessary
and that grace is offered through it. Children,
too, should be baptized, for in Baptism they are
committed to God and become acceptable
to him. (AC IX:1-2, Tappert)
Holy Baptism
Martin Luther: A Born Again Christian
Baptism: The Doctrine Set Forth in Holy Scripture and Taught in the Evangelical Lutheran Church (Charles Porterfield Krauth)
Infant Baptism and Infant Salvation in the Calvinistic System (Charles Porterfield Krauth)
On Baptism (David Chytraeus)
Infant Baptism (E. W. A. Koehler)
Baptism in the New Testament (A. Andrew Das)
Infant Baptism (A. Andrew Das)
Infant Baptism in Early Church History (Dennis Kastens)
The Sacrament of the Altar
Internet Communion? [PDF]
Some Quotations Pertaining to the Consecration and the Sacramental Union
The Consecration (Evangelical Lutheran Hymnal)
Infant Communion in the Lutheran Church? [PDF]
The Antiquity of Infant Communion (Roger T. Beckwith)
Concerning the Administration of the Sacrament of the Altar (Evangelical Lutheran Synod Doctrine Committee)
Lutheran Voices on the Theology and Practice of Infant Communion
Theses on Infant/Toddler Communion (John T. Pless)
Martin Luther on the Careful and Reverent Administration of the Blood of Christ
Preface to Vom Sakrament des Altars (Hermann Sasse)
The Sacrament of the Altar (Tom G. A. Hardt)
The Origin and Meaning of the Axiom, Nothing has the Character of a Sacrament Outside of the Use (Edward Peters)
The Holy Supper of Our Lord Jesus Christ (John W. Berg)
Communion Frequency in the Lutheran Confessions and in the Lutheran Church [PDF]
Martin Chemnitz on the Frequency of Holy Communion
Pious Meditations on the Presence of Christ in His Holy Supper (Martin Chemnitz)
A Short
and Simple Statement Concerning the Lords Supper (Jacob Andreae)
The Lords Supper in the Theology of Martin Chemnitz (Bjarne Wollan Teigen)
The Administration and Reception of the Lords Supper
Which Churches Have the Lords Supper? Which Churches Do Not?
Was a Common Cup Used at the Last Supper? (Joseph Abrahamson)
The Self-Communion of Pastors (Peter Anton Widvey)
The Self-Communion of the Clergyman (Karl Heinrich Meusel)
...when we follow his institution and command in the
Lords Supper and say, This is my body, then
it is his body, not because of our speaking or of our
efficacious word, but because of his command in which
he has told us so to speak and to do and has attached
his own command and deed to our speaking.
(FC SD VII:78, Tappert)
Justification and Sanctification
Some Quotations Pertaining to the Subject of Justification
Through Whom and How the Corruptions of the Article of Justification Were Refuted (Martin Chemnitz)
Chrysostom on Justification
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux on Imputed Righteousness and Faith
The Twofold Effect and Activity of Faith (Joseph Stump)
The Mystical Union (Joseph Stump)
Mystical Union (David H. Bauslin)
The Understanding of Luther’s “Union with Christ” Teaching in Early 20th-Century American Lutheranism [PDF]
The Mystical Union in the Lutheran Confessions
Justification and Deification (D. Richard Stuckwisch)
Justification in Contemporary Roman Catholic Theology [PDF]
Doctrine of Justification, Predestination, and Doctrine of the Assurance of Salvation (C. H. Little)
Ambrose on Justification: A Study in the Catholicity of Lutheran Theology
Justification: “Objective” and “Subjective” [PDF]
“Our Righteousness before God...Is Revealed in the Gospel. On this Righteousness Faith Relies.” [PDF]
Objective Justification Quotations [PDF]
The Justification of the World (Herman Amberg Preus)
Objective Justification (Robert D. Preus)
Selected Articles on Objective Justification (compiled by Robert D. Preus) [PDF]
Justification and Easter: A Study in Subjective and Objective Justification (Tom G. A. Hardt)
Objective Justification (Kurt E. Marquart)
The Reformation Roots of Objective Justification (Kurt E. Marquart) [PDF]
Confessional Clarification of the Article of Justification (Kurt E. Marquart) [PDF]
Does the Lutheran Confessions’ Emphasis on Subjective Justification Mitigate their Teaching of Objective Justification? (Ken Schurb)
Objective Justification (Theodore Engelder) [PDF]
Objective Justification (Edited) (Theodore Engelder) [PDF]
Objective Justification (Edward W. A. Koehler) [PDF]
Jesus Canceled Your Debt! (Jon D. Buchholz) [PDF]
The Significant History of the Doctrine of Objective or Universal Justification (Rick Curia) [PDF]
The Doctrine of Justification (1872 Synodical Conference Essay) (Friedrich A. Schmidt) [PDF]
The Doctrine of Justification (1872 Synodical Conference Essay) (Friedrich A. Schmidt; translated by Kurt E. Marquart) [PDF]
The Justification of the Sinner before God (Edward Preuss)
The Ministry and the Church
Spiritual Fathers: A Treatise on the Lutheran Doctrine of the Ministry
Women Pastors in the Lutheran Church?
The Lutheran Doctrine of the Ministry: Confessional and Theological Resources
The Public Ministry of the Word in the “Narrower Sense” and in the “Wider Sense”
Forms of the Public Ministry
Norwegian Synod Theses on Lay Preaching
Commentary on 1 Corinthians 12:28-29 (Abraham Calovius)
Shall Women Preach in the Congregation? An Exegetical Treatise (Juergen Ludwig Neve)
Preaching of God’s Word by Christian Women (Francis Pieper)
How Important it Is...to Realize That the Public Ministry Is Divinely Ordained (Francis Pieper) [PDF]
Order Yields to the Need” (John Gerhard)
Martin Luther on Gender and the Ministry [PDF]
Chemnitz, Chytraeus, and Andreae on Gender and the Ministry [PDF]
“The Public Ministry of the Word” Restated in Thetical Format
An Exercise in Parsing
Understanding “The Public Ministry of the Word”
Nine Theses on the Public Ministry of the Gospel
Is it Proper for a Woman to be Called to Administer the Lord’s Supper to Other Women?
The Orderly Administration of the Lord’s Supper in Confessional Lutheranism [PDF]
Officiating at the Lord’s Supper in the Lutheran Confessions and in the Lutheran Church [PDF]
The Public Ministry of the Gospel: The Testimony of Luther, Chytraeus, and Chemnitz
The Public Ministry of the Gospel: The Testimony of Krauth, Walther, Kaehler, and Jacobs
The Doctrine of the Ministry in the Writings of Ernst Heinrich Klotsche
The Doctrine of the Ministry in the Writings of Carroll Herman Little
The Ministry and the Church (C. H. Little)
Doctrine of the Call to the Ministry (C. H. Little)
One Ministry in Two Senses: The Lutheran Doctrine of the Public Ministry of the Gospel
Nineteen Articles on the Public Ministry
Nineteen Articles on the Public Ministry: Testimonies
A Sermon on Keeping Children in School (Martin Luther)
Charles Porterfield Krauth on the Priesthood of Believers, the Ministry, etc.
The Church and the Ministry (Henry Eyster Jacobs)
The Doctrine of the Ministry As Taught by the Dogmaticians (Henry Eyster Jacobs) [PDF]
Pastors and Deacons in the Tennessee Synod
The Ministry (Joseph Stump)
Theses concerning the Doctrine of Church and Office (Evangelical Lutheran Free Church)
Church and Ministry (Adolph M. Harstad)
The Relation of the Home to the Christian School (C. J. Quill)
The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod on the Ministry (Thomas P. Nass)
May a Layman Absolve, Baptize, or Administer Holy Communion? (Tilemann Heshusius)
Jerome Kromayer on Church and Ministry
Does a Congregation...have the Right...to Commit...the Holy Preaching Office to a Layman? (E. W. Kähler) [PDF]
Some Reflections on the Military Chaplaincy
The Glory of the Gospel Ministry (Norman A. Madson)
Some Thoughts on the Divine Call to the Ecclesiastical Ministry of Word and Sacrament
Acts 6:1-6: An Exegetical Inquiry
A Few Thoughts about the Current Debate over the Doctrine of the Ministry
A Few Thoughts about the Individual Use of the Keys and the Public Use of the Keys
Some Material on the Concept of the Divine Call
Church and State, Congregation and Synod
Reformations Before the Reformation [PDF]
Is Ordination Necessary? (Johann Conrad Dannhauer)
A Lutheran View of the Validity of Lutheran Orders (Arthur Carl Piepkorn)
“Official” and “Unofficial”; “Narrow Sense” and “Wider Sense” (Kurt E. Marquart)
The One Gospel Ministry and Auxiliary Offices (Kurt E. Marquart)
The Gospel Ministry: Distinctions Within and Without (Kurt E. Marquart)
Book Review: The Church and Her Fellowship, Ministry, and Governance (John F. Brug)
Compendium of Positive Theology - On the Ecclesiastical Ministry (Johann Wilhelm Baier)
Letter Concerning Lay Preaching (C. F. W. Walther)
Kirche und Amt Theses and Translations (C. F. W. Walther) [PDF]
The Proper Form of an Evangelical Lutheran Congregation (66 Theses) (C. F. W. Walther)
The Sheep Judge Their Shepherds (C. F. W. Walther)
Comments on the Expulsion of a Lutheran Deacon (C. F. W. Walther)
Mercy and the Pastoral Office (C. F. W. Walther)
Congregation and the State (C. F. W. Walther)
First Sermon at the Opening of the Synod (Excerpt) (C. F. W. Walther)
Sermon at the Installation of Two College Professors (C. F. W. Walther)
The Teaching Office (Adolf Hoenecke)
Lay Preaching (George O. Lillegard)
The Office of a Pastor as School Overseer (C. A. T. Selle) [PDF]
Wilhelm Loehes Teaching on the Office of the Holy Ministry
The Cute, The Cool, and the Catechized (Gene Edward Veith)
Ecclesiologia or The Doctrine of the Church (Revere Franklin Weidner)
The Seal of Confession in the Evangelical Lutheran Church [PDF]
Counseling the Victims and the Perpetrators of Sexual Abuse and Sexual Assault [PDF]
Another Important Anniversary [Ordination of Justus Falckner] [PDF]
...God provides for the public proclamation of his divine, eternal law and the wonderful counsel
concerning our redemption, namely, the holy and only saving Gospel of his eternal Son, our only
Saviour and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Thereby he gathers an eternal church for himself out of the
human race and works in the hearts of men true repentance and knowledge of their sins and true
faith in the Son of God, Jesus Christ. (FC SD II:50, Tappert)
The Liturgy and Worship
Worship, Liturgy, and Ceremonies in the Lutheran Confessions and in the Lutheran Church [PDF]
Recommended Lutheran Liturgical Reconstruction Recordings: Links to Online Versions [PDF]
The Divine Service in Confessional Lutheranism and in the ELS [PDF]
Ceremonies That Teach; Ceremonies That Confess [PDF]
Walking Together in Faith and Worship [PDF]
Reflections on the Context and Character
of Martin Luther’s Formula Missae [PDF]
The Lutheran Way to Be Catholic: Martin Luther’s Intentional Conservatism in His Reform of the Medieval Mass [PDF]
Our Liturgy (Christian Anderson) [PDF]
The Biblical - Confessional Lutheran
Doctrine of Worship (Donald L. Moldstad) [PDF]
“About God’s Service in Church” (Craig A. Ferkenstad) [PDF]
The Divine Liturgy and its Use (Gaylin R. Schmeling) [PDF]
Why Is the Lutheran Church a Liturgical Church?
Hymns by David Jay Webber [PDF]
Should Infants and Small Children Be Present in Lutheran Worship Services?
Ceremonies in the Lutheran Church (Edward Traill Horn)
Outlines of Liturgics (Edward Traill Horn)
Christian Worship: Its Principles and Forms (J. W. Richard and F. V. N. Painter)
The Mature Luther on Ceremonies
Martin Luther Pictured Wearing a Surplice
Martin Chemnitz on Rites and Ceremonies
How Festivals Are Observed in Our Churches in the Fear of God (Martin Chemnitz)
Exhortation to Communicants (Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel Church Order)
Dutch Lutheran Worship
Byzantine Lutheranism? Byzantine Lutheranism! [PDF]
On Lay Readers (Robert W. Schaibley)
Liturgical Uniformity? (Benjamin J. Tomczak) [PDF]
Sacramental Worship, Sacramental Preaching (Mark E. DeGarmeaux)
O Come, Let Us Worship! (Mark E. DeGarmeaux)
Mass Appeal: Discernment in Liturgical Innovation (Dennis W. Marzolf) [PDF]
Through All Generations (Gene Edward Veith)
Memoirs of the Lutheran Liturgical Association
The Liturgies of the Lutheran Church (Henry Eyster Jacobs)
Liturgical Society of St. James: Pro Ecclesia Lutherana
Christian Art in the Place and in the Form of Lutheran Worship (Paul E. Kretzmann) [PDF]
Vestments and Liturgies (J. A. O. Stub)
The Proper Communion Vestments (P. Severinsen)
The Survival of the Historic Vestments in the Lutheran Church after 1555 (Arthur Carl Piepkorn)
The Conduct of the Service (Arthur Carl Piepkorn) [PDF]
Historical Pictures of the Evangelical-Lutheran Divine Service (Helmut Schatz)
Historische Bilder zum Evangelisch-Lutherischen Gottesdienst (Helmut Schatz) [PDF]
The Genius of Lutheran Corporate Worship (Walter E. Buszin) [PDF]
Liturgical Commonplaces (Kurt E. Marquart) [PDF]
Worship and Liturgical Reform at the Time of the Reformation [PDF]
The Veneration of Icons: Historical Development (Kallistos Ware)
Adiaphora: Why We Should Not Be Indifferent to “Indifferent Things” [PDF]
Church Fellowship
Fellowship in Its Necessary Context of the Doctrine of the Church (1961)
“A Person’s Informal Confession of Faith Must Also Be Considered” [PDF]
Charles Porterfield Krauth on the Doctrine and Practice of Church Fellowship
Some Quotations Pertaining to the Subject of Prayer Fellowship (and Church Fellowship in General)
Question of Union Services (C. H. Little)
Question of the Attitude of the Church Toward the Lodge System (C. H. Little)
Theses on Open Questions (C. F. W. Walther)
The Drive to Opgjør: The Years 1900-1917 in the Old Norwegian Synod (Jerome Gernander)
A Brief Explanation of Our Communion Practice
Communion and Confession in the History of the Church of Brandenburg
Theses on Communion
Fellowship with Those Who Believe Differently (C. F. W. Walther)
The Evangelical Lutheran Church the True Visible Church of God on Earth (25 Theses) (C. F. W. Walther)
The Unity of Faith (Franz Pieper)
The Basis for Concord (Robert D. Preus) [PDF]
Why Should a Lutheran Not Join any Sectarian Church? (V. W. Richter)
In order that we may obtain this faith, the ministry of teaching the Gospel and administering
the sacraments was instituted. For through the Word and the sacraments, as through
instruments, the Holy Spirit is given, and the Holy Spirit produces faith, where and when it
pleases God, in those who hear the Gospel. (AC V:1-2, Tappert)
Evangelism and Missions
Language, Culture, and National Identity in the Mission and Ministry of the Church
Wisdom from the Fathers Pertaining to the Establishment of Lutheran Home Mission Congregations
Might Cicero Be Saved? [PDF]
Letter to Bernhard, a Converted Jew (Martin Luther)
Martin Luther and the Jews (Elias Newman)
Was Martin Luther Anti-Semitic? Is the Lutheran Church Anti-Semitic?
Problems of Lutheran Evangelism (Hermann Sasse) [PDF]
The Christian Life: A Handbook of Christian Ethics (Joseph Stump) [PDF]
The Christian and Society
The Doctrine of the Two Kingdoms and its Application for Today [PDF]
An Examination of the Validity of the American Revolution (Paul M. E. Webber) [PDF]
Some Comments on Citizenship and Leadership in a Free Republic (Polycarp Leyser)
Question of the Relation Between Church and State (C. H. Little)
Dietrich Bonhoeffer and Hermann Sasse as Confessors and Churchmen [PDF]
It is taught among us that all government
in the world and all established rule and laws
were instituted and ordained by God for the
sake of good order... (AC XVI:1, Tappert)
Death and Resurrection
The Condition of the Soul Between Death and the Resurrection (John Theodore Mueller)
Doctrine of the Millennium and the Conversion of Israel (C. H. Little)
Apologetic Lectures on the Moral Truths of Christianity (Christoph Ernst Luthardt)
Apologetic Lectures on the Fundamental Truths of Christianity (Christoph Ernst Luthardt)
...in the Lords Supper the body and blood of Christ are truly
and substantially present and are truly offered with those
things that are seen, bread and wine. (Ap X:4, Tappert)
Multi-Topical and Miscellaneous
Catechism (Johannes Brenz)
Wittenberg Articles of 1536
The Conservative Reformation and Its Theology (Charles Porterfield Krauth)
Charles Porterfield Krauth, Vol. I (Adolph Spaeth)
Charles Porterfield Krauth, Vol. II (Adolph Spaeth)
Charles Porterfield Krauth: The American Chemnitz [PDF]
Documentary History of the General Council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church (Solomon Erb Ochsenford)
First Free Lutheran Diet in America - 1877
Common Places of Scripture Orderly and after a Compendious Form of Teaching Set Forth (Erasmus Sarcerius)
Compend of Lutheran Theology (Leonard Hutter)
Epitome Credendorum (Nicolaus Hunnius)
The Doctrinal Theology of the Evangelical Lutheran Church (Heinrich F. E. Schmid)
The Doctrinal Theology of the Evangelical Lutheran Church (Heinrich F. E. Schmid) [second site]
The Doctrinal Theology of the Evangelical Lutheran Church (Heinrich F. E. Schmid) [third site]
Outlines of Doctrinal Theology (August L. Graebner)
Elements of Religion (Henry Eyster Jacobs)
A Summary of the Christian Faith (Henry Eyster Jacobs)
A Summary of the Christian Faith (partial) (Henry Eyster Jacobs)
Biblical Dogmatics (A. G. Voigt)
An Introduction to Dogmatic Theology (Revere F. Weidner)
The Lutheran Manual (Junius B. Remensnyder)
The Lutheran Pastor (George Henry Gerberding)
The Lutheran Pastor (Select Quotations) (George Henry Gerberding)
The Way of Salvation in the Lutheran Church (1887 edition) (George Henry Gerberding)
The Way of Salvation in the Lutheran Church (1919 edition) (George Henry Gerberding)
Christian Dogmatics (Conrad Emil Lindberg)
Christian Dogmatics, Volume 1 (Franz Pieper)
Christian Dogmatics, Volume 2 (Franz Pieper)
Christian Dogmatics, Volume 3 (Franz Pieper)
Christian Dogmatics (John Theodore Mueller)
Bible Teachings: A Summary View of Christian Doctrine and Christian Character, Drawn from the Word of God (Joseph Stump)
The Lutheran Movement of the Sixteenth Century (David H. Bauslin)
Quotable Quotes (on the Scriptures, the Confessions, and the Lutheran Church)
Obscure and Intriguing Franz Pieper Quotes (on the Ministry, the Order of Creation, and Church Fellowship) [PDF]
Lutheran Abbesses and Their Authority in the Lutheran Church [PDF]
Elisabeth of Brandenburg: “Reformation Princess” [PDF]
The Lutheran Solas in the Fathers of the Church
The Biblical and Confessional Worldview (2003)
The Confessional and Biblical Worldview (2004)
The Confessional and Biblical Worldview (2005)
The Biblical and Christian Worldview (2015) [PDF]
The Biblical and Christian Worldview: The Lens through which We Look at Ourselves and the World (2016) [PDF]
The Biblical and Christian Worldview: The Faith That Was Once for All Delivered to the Saints (2017) [PDF]
The Biblical and Christian Worldview: The Creator, the Created World, and the Created Order (2018) [PDF]
John 6:35-58 in the Lutheran Confessions
Evangelical Catholics and Confessional Evangelicals (Gene Edward Veith)
Cross (Crucifix) (Adolph Spaeth)
The Sign of the Cross and the Crucifix (C. F. W. Walther) [PDF]
Martin Luther on the Practice of Making the Sign of the Cross
Flying Saucers: A New Theory (Kurt E. Marquart) [PDF]
Conversions from Catholicism to Lutheranism
Disputed Doctrines (C. H. Little)
The Popular Commentary of the Bible (Paul E. Kretzmann)
C. F. W. Walther: Select Sermons
The Charismatic Movement in the Lutheran Church (Julius V. Kimpel)
The Lutheran Commentary (edited by Henry Eyster Jacobs, 12 Volumes)
The Lutheran Movement in England During the Reigns of Henry VIII and Edward VI - 1908 edition (Henry Eyster Jacobs)
The Lutheran Movement in England During the Reigns of Henry VIII and Edward VI - 1890 edition (Henry Eyster Jacobs)
American Lutheranism, Volume I (F. Bente)
American Lutheranism, Volume II (F. Bente)
American Lutheranism, Volume II (F. Bente) [second site]
American Lutheranism, Volume II (F. Bente) [third site]
The Lutherans in America (Edmund Jacob Wolf)
Churches and Sects of Christendom (Juergen Ludwig Neve)
The Distinctive Doctrines of the Different Christian Confessions, in the Light of the Word of God (Karl Graul)
A Brief Statement of the Doctrinal Position of the Missouri Synod
Lutheranism Before Luther
The Text of Holy Scripture
Bible Gateway
New Testament Gateway - Bible Translations and Editions
New Testament Gateway - Greek New Testament Gateway
...one holy Christian church will be and remain forever. This is the assembly of
all believers among whom the Gospel is preached in its purity and the holy
sacraments are administered according to the Gospel. (AC VII:1, Tappert)
Recommended Lutheran Sites
Martin Chemnitz
Lutheran-Orthodox Dialogue in the Sixteenth Century
Saint Ambrose of Milan
Saint Epiphanius of Salamis
Concordia Society
Lutheran Cyclopedia - 1899 edition
Concordia Cyclopedia - 1927 edition
Concordia Cyclopedia (1927) [second site]
Christian (Lutheran) Cyclopedia - 1975 edition
Lutheran Library Publishing Ministry
The Conservative Reformer: Classical Lutheranism for the Contemporary World
Studium Excitare
A Selection of Kurt Marquarts Writings
Confessional Lutherans
Confessional Lutherans - Sermons and Papers
Texas Confessional Lutherans - Papers and Hymns of Interest to Confessional Lutherans
Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary Online Essay File
Issues, Etc. - Article Archive
Concordia Seminary Scholarship
Concordia Theological Seminary Media
Lutheran Electronic Archive
For the Life of the World (Concordia Theological Seminary)
Concordia Journal Archive
Arthur Carl Piepkorn Center for Evangelical Catholicity
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church - Pastors Page (Saginaw, Michigan)
Mark DeGarmeauxs Home Page
John T. Pless (Concordia Theological Seminary)
Charles St-Onge - Writings
Our Redeemer
Lutheran Church (Lexington, Kentucky)
Evangelical Lutheran Church of Our Redeemer (Peekskill, New York)
Soli Deo Gloria
Lutheran Theology: An Online Journal
Redeemer Evangelical Lutheran Church (Los Alamos, New Mexico)
Just and Sinner with Pastor Jordan Cooper
An Aussie Brekkie - Theology Resources
Lutheran Treasures of the Old Missouri Synod
Lutheran Sites with Useful Information
Semper Reformanda
Logia: A Journal of Lutheran Theology
Lutheran Quarterly - Past Articles of Special Interest
Evangelical Lutheran Synod - Beliefs
Lutheran Synod Quarterly (Bethany Lutheran Theological Seminary)
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod - What We Believe
Theologia: The Student Journal of Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary
Australian Evangelical Lutheran Church
Confessional Lutherans Australia - Papers and Studies
Lutheran ChurchCanada - Theological Documents
Lutheran Theological Review (Lutheran ChurchCanada)
Church of the Lutheran Confession - Online Library
LCA Commission on Worship - Biblical & Theological Resources
LCA Commission on Theology and Inter-Church Relations - Doctrinal Statements and Theological Opinions
LCMS Commission on Theology and Church Relations
Lutheranism (Suite 101)
Theology of the Cross: The Faith Luther Confessed
CrossTies Lutheran Ministry Resources
Orthodox Evangelical Lutheran Confessional Church
Evangelical Lutheran Synod Doctrine Statements
Christ For Us
St. Paul Lutheran Church - Pastors Scribblings (Hamel, Illinois)
Messiah Lutheran Church - Pastors Papers (Seattle, Washington)
Hope Lutheran Church - Pastors Page (Aurora, Colorado)
Lutheran Wiki
T. Mayes Home Page
Lutheran Resources
Lutheran (Myron Berg)
Reclaiming Walther in the LCMS - Articles
Lutherans Informed about Lodges
Sound Witness
Answers In Action - Theology Articles
Discernment Ministries International (Robert S. Liichow)
Gnesio: Lutheran Theology
The Augustana Ministerium
We therefore declare our adherence to the first, unaltered Augsburg Confession...as our symbol in this
epoch, not because this confession was prepared by our theologians but because it is taken from the
Word of God and solidly and well grounded therein. (FC SD R&N:5, Tappert)
Non-Lutheran Sites with Useful Information
Google Book Search: Lutheran
Project Canterbury - Lutheran Resources
Beggars All: Reformation and Apologetics: Martin Luther
Early Christian Writings
Early Church Fathers - Additional Texts
Saint Pachomius Library
Patristics In English
New Advent
Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Internet Christian Library
The Bible Resources Center
Bible Research
The Contenders
Present Truth Magazine
Touchstone: A Journal of Mere Christianity - Archives
A Puritans Mind
Leadership University - Theology
Predominantly Non-English Lutheran Sites
Post-Reformation Digital Library - Lutheran Authors
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Lutheran Legacy
Una Página de Teología Luterana en Español
Congregacion Cristo Nuestra Justicia (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Fraternidad Luterana Ortodoxa
For Bibel og Bekjennelse
Martin Luther og hans skrifter
Selbständige Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche - Theologie
Luther in Braunschweig
Die evangelischen Kirchenordnungen des 16. Jahrhunderts (Emil Sehling)
Kirchliche Glaubenslehre, I (Friedrich Adolph Philippi)
Kirchliche Glaubenslehre, III (Friedrich Adolph Philippi)
Kirchliche Glaubenslehre, VI (Friedrich Adolph Philippi)
Bibel- und bekenntnistreuer evangelisch-lutherischer Glaube und Lehre
Informationen zu lutherischer Theologie und Kirche
Meie Kirik: Teoloogia
Bibliothèque en-ligne doeuvres de théologie luthériennes
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...we receive forgiveness of sin and become righteous before God
by grace, for Christs sake, through faith, when we believe that
Christ suffered for us and that for his sake our sin is forgiven and
righteousness and eternal life are given to us. (AC IV:1-2, Tappert)
Predominantly Non-English Non-Lutheran Sites with Useful Information
Google Book Search: Lutherische
Glaubensstimme - Das evangelische Archiv im Internet
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JesusChrist.ru - Õðèñòèàíñêàÿ áèáëèîòåêà
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We do not call ourselves Lutherans, but are so styled by our enemies, and we permit it as a token of our consent with the pure teaching of the Word which Luther set forth. We suffer ourselves to bear his name, not as of one who has invented a new faith, but of one who has restored the old, and purified the Church. Johann Gerhard
The Evangelical Catholic is a glorious Church; it holds and conforms itself chiefly to the Sacraments. The Evangelical Reformed is a glorious Church; it holds and conforms itself chiefly to the Word of God. More glorious than both is the Evangelical Lutheran Church; it holds and conforms itself both to the Sacraments and the Word of God. Into this Lutheran Church both the others are developing, even without the intentional aid of men. But the way of the ungodly shall perish, says David (Ps. 1:6). Claus Harms
We do not claim that our Confessors were infallible. We do not say they could not fail. We only claim that they did not fail. Charles Porterfield Krauth
...nothing is so necessary as to call upon God
incessantly and drum into his ears our prayer
that he may give, preserve, and increase in
us faith and obedience to the Ten
Commandments... (LC III:2, Tappert)
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