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Chaos-Total disorder. The disordered state existing before the creation of the ordered universe.

I am Chaos

Death is always an option. I stick around to see what the next day will bring and when it bores me or becomes to painful I hope that death will come. If I must go find it I know where to look.
I thoroughly enjoy this life I am not saying otherwise but I know that a great secret lies beyond. I will await and then meet this secret with great anticipation until then I have this.

Love and relationships.
I am not sure why it seems to so many people that this is the way a life should be measured. That if one is not in love or at least claiming to themselves that they are, than your life is lonely and they feel sorry for you. I at times feel sorry for them. I do what I want without having to think of someone else and to most that will sound selfish and that is how I will be viewed. I was in love once and still am and all I can hope to achieve with someone else will be a pitiful attempt at creating a mirror of what that was. I will not dishonor her that way.
Sex on the other hand is shallow and incomplete but as a citizen of modern day America I have been taught to be selfish and shallow through advertising, Madison Avenue telling me what will make me happy and what they say will make me happy always has a supermodel on its arm and anything other than that makes me incomplete, but when I follow that existence I am viewed as the world views the likes of me. While secretly others wish to know what goes on in my head, in my world, it intrigues them to know that private individuals exist in this very unprivate world.

Nietchie said God was dead. I believed this for a time thinking that if there was this supreme being than why does he allow the things to happen in this world that do. Shit why does he allow the things to happen to me that do. Then I realized, I guess you can say the clouds parted and I was enlightened. That this supreme being was never going to descend from the sky and change my life. Rather he was going to allow all the things happen to me that have and instill in me principals that Madison Avenue would gladly steal from me. The virtues of a human being and the greatest one just to live and let live.
Nietchie was wrong God, is alive and well and hanging out in the West Village on any given night and most definite Friday and Saturday nights. But everyone thinks he is a crazy man rambling about nothing, he is a tricky fellow changes looks everyweek so I can't recongize him.