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Well, I finally got around to writing the emulation section. Here I will provide links and info concerning programs that emulate several different systems. For the less knowledgable readers out there, an emulator is a program that runs a different operating system or language on your computer. There are plenty of emulators out there, emulating everything from the Game Boy system to the Nintendo 64 to the Linux operating system. All of the emulators I will be listing run only on a mac, but a few are for pc too. Check out the links for more info.

Emulated System Emulator Description
Game Boy Virtual Game Boy 1.4 Yeah, it seems like a biiiig step back in technology, but people actually do use these things. This is a solid emulator that I used to run back on the old Performa 6200. Times change.
Nintendo RockNES 1.6 Yet again, some people actually spend their time playing NES games. Another program I ran on the old computer. These two emulators can be run on almost any mac, too, from 1995 and up.
Sega Genesis DGen 1.1.7 Here's the first 16-bit console, the competition to the Super Nintendo. I guess you could call these graphics decent, almost anyway...check it out.
Super Nintendo SNES9x 1.3.2 Now here's a solid console system and emulator too. This is the best emulator I've ever used, I still pick up a game of Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball on here every once in a while. Just don't try to get Mario Kart, it's messed up. Highly recommended.
Sony Playstation Virtual Game Station 1.4 The first and only decent Playstation emulator for mac. Unfortunately, it's $50 for the full package, and required a G3 or higher mac to run. But it runs quickly and smoothly, and it's the only choice anyway!
Nintendo 64 SixtyForce 0.5.6b1 Hmm, here's an interesting one. Haven't checked this one out for myself yet, but it looks promising. It's quite a feat to emulate such an advanced system in the first place, hence the beta version listed here. Worth a look.
PC/Windows Virtual PC 4.0 Windows emulation has come a long way in the past few years, even though I can't see the reasons for it. Kinda like shooting yourself in the foot. But this emulator has been getting better and better, and might be worth it if it's REALLY necessary.
Linux Virtual PC 3.0 w/ Red Hat Linux Hey-face it, you're not cool unless you have linux. Well, I guess I'm not cool then. Anyway, yeah, Linux is great, and this is a commercial emulator that's rather expensive. But, after all, being cool always comes with a price.

Next comes my Roms section. These are various games I've downloaded, and enjoyed more or less. I'll admit, it's kinda skimpy right now, and I don't know if I'll be updating it much in the future either, because I don't play these games very often anymore. But nonetheless, I will provide a few links to some very good rom resources, and list some myself. Enjoy.

Game Console Description
Contra 3 SNES The classic. I really haven't played the several other SNES versions of this game, so I can't compare them. But this one is an interesting one, I didn't play it for too long because you can't save and it's quite hard, but still enjoyable for a quick game.
Donkey Kong Country SNES Hell yeah, the original and best of the series by far. This game is a lot of fun while you're playing it, but once you've beaten it you probably won't try again. Nice graphics for its time.
Donkey Kong Country 2 SNES The sequel. This game isn't too bad, a lot of the basics of the game change, it gets more complicated, etc. There was a bug in this one where i couldn't save my game, so obviously I didn't spend too much time on it. Good luck.
International Superstar Soccer SNES Prolly the only decent soccer game for the SNES. Too bad you can't save on this one either, it would've been much better. The graphics are kinda poor but the gameplay is decent, but you can't save, so it gets old quick.
Ken Griffey Jr.'s Winning Run SNES By far the best SNES game I've ever played. Has the best graphics I've seen yet for the SNES, and the gameplay is great. And you can save, play a full season, keep track of stats, etc. A solid, solid choice.
The Legend of Zelda SNES Haven't logged too much time in this one, I guess I never really got into it. But I hear it's a damn good game, and this series of games are quite good. Worth a look I suppose.
Mortal Kombat 3 SNES Haven't spent too much time playing this one, either, prolly cuz I kept getting my ass kicked. Plus, it's no fun playing these types of games with a keyboard, it's just not the same. If you have a gamepad, feel free to download.
Super Bomberman 2 SNES I've always been a fan of this series of games, and this one is decent. You control this little guy and run around pushing bombs at your opponents, trying to kill them. A really simple yet fun multiplayer game.
Super Mario Brothers SNES Now who hasn't played this game at one point or another? I just had to include the classic of all classics here. I finally was able to beat it, too, after way too many hours. A much longer game than DK too, in my opinion.

Well, I suppose it's kind of hard to download any roms if ya don't know where to download from. Lucky for you, I have several handy links for you. My favorite rom host currently is Plasticman's Emulation Zone. Plasticman should have links to other rom sites as well, or just check out the best rom sites link. The best site by far to download emulators (for mac anyway) is It has all, and i mean all, the emulators you could want for almost any system. Anyway, that's about all for now. I may update again with more links, depending on if I get back into emulation again. ;)