This is a list of basic grammar rules, in no particular order:

1. The letter j is pronounced like the j in French, and the gh combination sounds like h, being rolled in the back of your throat.

2. All vowels are pronounced separately, except for the noted diphthongs. Note- when the diphthong 'ai' is followed by another vowel, an apostrophe is needed.

3. When an r is followed by an asterick (*), that means that the r is rolled. R's are only rolled in singular words, so if you change the word to the plural form, don't roll the r.

4. When you see a pound symbol (#), that means that you insert a tounge click there. How do I do that?

5. To make a word plural, add -iz to the end.

6. All vowels are pronounced like the vowels in the European alphabets, unless otherwise noted.
Ex. A-ah (father) E-eh (met) I-ee (machine) O-oh (over) U-u(ü)(under)

7. There are a few contractions in Barallen, one of which is ka'jet, meaning don't. It is a combination of ka and je'et.

8. Questions are just statements with 'alura'at the end. The question mark is not necessary, but it can be used for clarification.

9. To show ownership, add ñe (nyeh) in front of the object that is owned. ex. The cow's food - Na klen ñe dalthu

10. A hyphen in a word means that you catch the sound of the previous letter for just a second before continuing.

11. You can't put two conjugated verbs next to each other. One must be in the infinitive form.

12. In English, we add -er to an adjective or adverb to show that it is better that usual. In Barallen, you add miremej in front of the adjective or adverb. Miremej means 'more,' stating that the adjective is more than before. To say something is the most of something, add namiramej in front of it.

Example: Large Larger Largest - lerupoh, miremej lerupoh, namiremej lerupoh

Last modified on: March 29, 2001

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