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Tribute to Mother

The below video has little to do with this page, but the song "Dog and Butterfly" is embedded in it. We decided to use it for its effect on this page. Please start music before scrolling down.

As you scroll down,
please listen to the words of
"Dog and Butterfly"
~~by Heart~~

If music doesn't play go HERE for lyrics!

It has been a long year!
Coming to terms with the death of both of my parents in 2000, has not been an easy process, and on the 2 year's anniversary of my mother's death (April 28, 2000) emotions once again bubble up to the surface!

While I do not liken my father to a dog~~my mother certainly was a butterfly!

Esther was my mother's name, and faith in her Creator was strong! She was always busy doing something for someone else. And I do mean busy, always "flying around" She was definitely the "mover" of the family, always taking some action about some matter. She would always tell me "It is hard for God to steer a parked car! Just get moving and God will direct your steps!" WOW, such wisdom!
My father always saw to it that she drove the "best" car of two they usually owned. My mother had the reputation of being heavy footed, although to my knowledge never got caught! My children began calling her "Granny" from the time they could speak; and can you picture "Granny" (then in her 70's) behind the wheel of a red VW bug, ramming the roads!
My mother was a bit impetuious, emotional and flighty! She never stopped moving! Just to watch her made me tired! But the thing is that she was always doing for others! Not a selfish bone in her body! A good example of this was that she continued to voluntarily deliver
meals to shut-ins (in her speedy car) into her 80's!
At the turn of the century my mother had just turned 92 years old. My dad passed away January 25, 2000 and my mother really never did adjust! They had been married 50 wonderful years and she felt so alone! Mother's health had been failing for a couple of years and my dad, the faithful caretaker had taken over the responsibility for her moderate care needs so that they could remain living independently. With Dad's death, many, many changes occured for my mother. New home health aides, new schedules, invasions of privacy, for she was determined to stay in her home, which she did until the day she died! But the days were long and the lack of privacy annoying. She was not happy! I visited and spent a couple of days a week (an hour's drive away) to ease the loneliness and provide real "family" time.
I believe my mother is at peace now! She and my dad are TOGETHER AGAIN!! The loneliness is gone and her joy has been restored! Can you just see my mother "movin' and a-shakin" in heaven? Well I can! It was her style~~she had butterfly wings here on Earth, and now she has Angels wings!

I love you, Mommy, and I miss you!



A gift from my dear friend, Bev!
Thanks honey, love you!