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Help Wanted

These are some of the specific questions I'd appreciate some help with:

ABRASHAHR: Confirmation of 79; 100; 106.

ARRAN: Confirmation of 89; 91; 120.

ARD: Any further research on the location of this mint.

ARMINIYA: Confirmation of 123.

ASTAN: Any further research on this mint-name.

ISTAKHR: Confirmation of 88; 103.

IFRIQIYA: Confirmation of 95; 120.

ANBIR: Any further research on this mint-name.

ANIBAR: Any further research on this mint-name.

AL-ANDALUS: Confirmation of 123 and 126-128.

AHBAHR: Is this even an attested place-name?

BARDA'A: Is this reading (Shams-Eshragh 725) confirmed?

BIZAMQUBADH: Confirmation of 93.

AL-BASRA: Confirmation of 78; 83; 85-88; 96; 98; 106; 124; 131.

BALKH: Confirmation of 118; 121; 129-131.

TUSTAR: Is this reading confirmed? To my knowledge, the sole reference to this mint is from Shams-Eshragh's tables.

AL-TAYMARA: Confirmation of 129; is it a Revolutionary issue?

AL-JAZIRA: Confirmation of 79.

AL-JISR: Any further research on this mint-name. Also, confirmation of 83.

JUNDAY-SABUR: Confirmation of 79.

JAYY: Confirmation of 78; 113; 119. Are the last two falus?

HARRAN: Confirmation of 80; 92; 116.

HIMS: Apart from a reference in MMU I have found no mention of this mint striking dirhams at all...

AL-HIRA: Confirmation of 94.

DABIL: Confirmation of 87.

DARABJIRD: Confirmation of 106.

DARD: If this is indeed a place-name and not an error for Darabjird, where is Dard?

AL-DASAKIR: Any further information on this mint-name.

DASTAQ: If this is a place-name and not an error for Dimashq (or Dastawa), where is Dastaq?

DASTAWA: Confirmation of 99-100.

DIMASHQ: Confirmation of 129-130.

RALSA: Any further information on this mint-name.

AL-RAYY: Are "dirhams" of 101, 104, 110, 115, 116, 120-122 and 124 in fact falus?

AL-RAVANI: Any further information on this mint-name (Shams-Eshragh 720)

SABUR: Confirmation of 83; 99; 123; 129.

SIJISTAN: Confirmation of 102; 127-129.

SARAKHS: Confirmation of 98.

AL-SUS: Confirmation of 96-97.

AL-`AL: Any further information on this mint-name.

AL-FURAT: Confirmation of 94.

FASA: Confirmation of 83.

QUMM: Confirmation of 93; also is this mint-name genuine?

AL-KR: Any further information on this mint-name.

KIRMAN: Confirmation of 83; 129.

AL-KUFA: Confirmation of 132.

MARDAN: As this is listed by Zambaur but not in Walker or subsequent works, is this a mis-reading?

MAH AL-BASRA: Confirmation of 82.

MAHAY: Confirmation of 99.

AL-MUBARAKA: Confirmation of 82; 104; 106; 121.

MADINAT BALKH Al-BAIDA: Confirmation of 95.

AL-MUDAR: Surely a reading for al-Furat? Has this been published as such?

MARW: Confirmation of 114; 119.

AL-MAGHRIB: (Shams-Eshragh 732). Any further information on this mint-name.

MAYSAN: Confirmation of 85; 93.

NAHR-TIRA: Confirmation of 98.

HARAT: Confirmation of 98.

HAMADHAN: Confirmation of 84.