It Was Written In The Stars...

Doubt thou the stars are fire;
Doubt that the sun doth move;
Doubt truth to be a liar;
But never doubt I love.

William Shakespeare

Read the Entries!

Welcome to the first annual Star Encounters Valentine's Day Fan Fiction Contest! The rules are simple, yet sweet. The story must take place on Valentine's Day, and the concept is relatively similar to the regular Star Encounters stories. You (writing in either first or third person) have the opportunity to meet up with one of the TYR characters. The storyline must be romantic, and only PG rated stories will be accepted.

This is your chance to make your Valentine's Day wishes come true! Fall in love with Jimmy, have Buck swoon at your feet, or have Kid sweep you off your feet. It's all up to you -- so start writing! Email Me if you have any questions.

Remember, these are the rules:

  • The story must be written about YOU, either in first person ("I walked up to Buck with butterflies in my stomach....") or third person ("Melissa approached Buck, the butterflies dancing in her stomach....")
  • The story must be rated no higher than PG (implied scenerios are allowed, but nothing more than what you would see on television)
  • The story must be a minimum of 5 pages long. This is so that we don't just have a "girl meets boy, kisses, falls in love and gets married all in one page" type of story. We want to be able to see how the story and characters develop! There is no maximum length.
  • The stort takes place during or around the time of the Pony Express. It can be right before the riders join the Express, while they are riders for it, or just after the Express ends. Your choice, but it must take place in the 1800s.

Entries are being accepted now, and will continue to be accepted until February 14, 2000. Voting will begin on the 15th, and the winner will be announced on February 25th. I am flexible with the deadlines, so if anyone has a problem with it, just let me know. The winner will receive an 8x10 glossy promotional cast picture.

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