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Welcome to my new website. I'm a student at Cornell University, as a student of Information Science. What's that you ask? Check out

Current Classes: Spring 2004 20 credits

Info 230 - Intermediate Web Design - 3 credits
Server-Side/Database-Driven web programming.

Info 245 - Psychology of Social Computing - 3 credits
Investigating behaviors and interactions on the Internet.

Info 355 - (History of) Computers: From Babbage to Gates - 4 credits
Explore not only how computer technology affects society, but also how culture and politics enable and sustain the development of the machine. A course in the history and sociology of computers.

STS 387 - The Automatic Lifestyle: Consumer Culture and Technology - 4 credits
Consumer culture is intertwined with technology. Industrialized technology makes consumer culture possible, yet at the same time the economic and cultural trends of consumer culture select and shape the kinds of technology that become available. Investigates the effects of this relationship by drawing upon history, sociology, and design issues.

Psych 416 - Modeling Perception and Cognition - 4 credits
Survey of several computational approaches to understanding perception and cognition. Explores linear systems analysis, connectionist models, dynamical systems, and production systems. Emphasis is placed on how complex sensory information gets represented in these models, as well as how it gets processed. This course covers computational accounts of language processing, language acquisition, visual perception, and visual development; we develop our own artificial neural networks in the Matlab programming language to simulate these cognitive phenomena.

Comm 499 - Independent Research & Study - 2 credits
Examining the implicit effects of anonymity on language usage in an online computer-mediated communication environment. In addition to language analysis, I also developed the website, including CGI scripting.

Current Jobs

Web/Database Programmer @ Laboratory of Elementary Particle Physics
Member of the computer group.

E-mail address
Last modified: 3/23/2004.