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Alone In Thought

Shawn Johnson

"Life has no meaning anymore, does it? The wine has no taste, the food sickens you..there seems no point to any of it"

I could think of no better quote to start this page with. No better way to help you to understand the emptiness that twists at my stomach and the disturbingly sweet words of pain whispered to my soul. Someone once said that time heals...I think that person was never in love. Or if he or she was right, how much time? How much longer does the hurt go on? Do others feel pain like this too, or is love and romance really dead to most everyone?

If you know the feeling I speak of. The feeling that creeps into your head and heart, and keeps you up late at night, torturing yourself to sleep and then wakesyou up in a cold sweat from nightmares, then please keep continuing through this site and realize there is someone out there who knows exactly how you feel, and honestly extends his sorrow to you. However, if you don't know what I'm talking about, if you've never felt so completely overwhelmed by just the thought of someone that you find it hard to breath, then you've come to thewrong site. And I'm sorry you don't know what it is to love. I truly hope you do find it someday. It is, for lack of a better word, "wonderful".

Sorrow Leads to Despair

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