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~* Sherri *~

This is me about three years ago...

This is me like a year ago... CLASS OF 2001 Baby! To the class of 2001 at Tech and everywhere, best of luck wherever fate may take you. Let's never forget the people, things, and events that made us who we are today. My love to all...

This is a more recent pic. Notice the dark hair. Anyways, here is my All-City High School Marching Band Color Guard uniform. Don't I look dorky? So what, I don't care, I'm proud to be a flag girl! Lovez to my color guard girls...

Keep checking back for more pics soon...

Wassup everyone?

A little about me...

My name is really Shierlyn, but since even I have trouble pronouncing that, I tell people to call me Sherri. I was born in Queens, but now live in Brooklyn. I am 100% filipina. No I am not puerto rican, hawaiian, or mixed with ANYTHING else. People always confuse me for something else and it kind of bugs me.

I go to SUNY Albany and I'm just starting my freshman year. Funny how just a couple of months ago I was at the top of my high school... Now I'm gum on the bottom of the upperclassmens' shoes. Its mad fun up here though. Its not the city or anything... I mean nothing is like New York City, but Albany can hold its own.

I want to be a part of it... New York New York!... I love watching Yankee Games. I hate it that Im too far away to go to the games. My favorite player is Tino Martinez. No doubt baby!! Oh and if you're a MET, don t even bother with me aiight? I love Jay-Z... I dont care who you are out there, he is MINE... :0)

I love to just chill with my friends and have fun. I mean who doesn't? I'm a little crazy, but compared to my friends, I think Im the normal one... Nah let me stop. We all have to act crazy sometime in our lives. I'm a very open minded person too. Try everything once!

I wonder if I rambled on about myself long enough? Did i bore you yet? lolz, :0)


To my bestest friend Maribell... Where would I be without you for the past 13 years? Is it 13? I'm losing count already. Take care. I miss you girl! Sugar n Spice for life...

Wassup Vanessa. Although we havent really been friends for that long, we are too alike to ignore it. "Get the ball in" isnt as funny without you. Believe me I've tried... Hope you're doing alright in school. Dont change on me!

Whats good Kevin? I've only known you for a very short time, but I feel like I've known you forever. You have always been there for me and for that I'll always be grateful... Take care of yourself. Mad love...

Let me not forget my other very special friends... Wassup to:

My old tech people:
Kernika~ I'll always be related to ya!
Jeffrey~ More than four years at Tech and more years to here at Albany... you cant get rid of me... Im sorry...
My major crew, thats Omar, Jackie, Fiallo, Josephine, and Pearl~ boy ima miss our times...
CJ~ CJ, CJ, what can I say about you? Nothing nice... lol, just kidding. We been friends for 4 years and i hope more to come.
Luis~ Your silly self and funny personality is missed. Yo, when we gonna hang out? lol
Iris~ lies and secrets... secrets and lies!!
Victoria~ You still want that shopping bag from freshman year?
George S.~ Hey you, even though we grew apart for a minute, im glad we are friends again... never forget that I always win!
Brian T.~ I'll always be your Cheri
Jason L.~ I wish we could have gotten to know each other better
Alex F.~ thanks for always listening to my stupidness when you probably have better things to do
Alex T.~ wassup pa. hows the company?

Wassup to my color guard girls once again:
Vicky ~ Mad love to my captain
Jen ~ Would have loved to finish the year with ya
Tasha ~ Crazy girl
Gaby~ newest member of "us" lol
Toya ~ Ya always matched... and I'll forever be jealous :0)
Rookies~ Megan, Katie, Lyssandra, Alia, Aida, Jessica, I love you girls, keep up the good work and know that Im there wit you in spirit...

And wassup to my other All City peoplez:
Tia~ Now you're the weird senior
Daisy~ Marvin is comfortable up here in Albany
Carlos~ can I get a cig?
Craig~ You are not to come near my car... lol
David~ Hey Mr. DJ
Renee~ freak of the dance floor

And wassup to the people in the Architecture Major, yep, all 64 of you... Though we are no longer in Tech's walls, we are still the Penny War Champions...!

And last but definately not least, a very special shoutout to my newest suitemates and Albany heads up here:
Brandi~ The "Devil Went Down to Georgia" Dance Queen
Catia~ Nena!
Crystal~ the one with the contagious laugh
Cheryl~ who's forever online (but then again, this is college, who isnt?)
Cindy~ one of my sistas from another mother!
Steph~ Hey sweetie. We gor FREEDOM!! :0)
Diane~ Blanca!
June~ Majong time son!
Clayton~ What the dilly silly? Lol, hows that for hear felt?
Thanks for the great times so far and heres to a whole semester full of them...

Latest News (12/25/01)

College is over for now, and I have done didily squat. I guess Ima have to try harder next time... eh... maybe not. Merry Christmas people. And Best wishes for a prosperous new year. May you not make the same dumbass mistakes that you made this year. lol. Hmm... I should take my own advice. ;0)
E-mail me!
Or hit me up on my celly

Quote/Lyric of the Week (Month... depends how lazy I am...)

Feelin On Your Booty -- R. Kelly

This is my song for real no doubt
And the DJ's making me feel thugged out
As I walk you to the dance floor
We begin to dance oh
Put your arms around me
I'm feelin on your booty

Hey pretty mama how you doin?
Said I'm just in town for the weekend
Looking for a little trouble to get into
Baby tell me what you're drinkin and I got you

Playaz wanna play
Ballaz wanna ball
Rollaz wanna roll

skippin to a better part... ya know the rest anyway
If its ya birthday, then put your hands up
You wanna get drunk, then put your hands up
And if you got some cash, then put your hands up
In your own job, put your hands up

Playaz wanna play...
